Welcome to the bright side of nanotechnology and skin research!   

Welcome to the research group of Prof. Dr. Cornelia M. Keck in Marburg.

  • publications in total


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  • book   chapter


  • journal   articles


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  • abstracts         





1.         Keck, C.M. and R.H. Müller (2009) Moderne Pharmazeutische Technologie (Modern Pharmaceutics), Lehrbuch für Studierende der Pharmazie & Nachschlagewerk für Apotheker in Offizin und Forschung, 1. Aufl., www.pharmazie-lehrbuch.de.

2.         Keck, C.M. and R.H. Müller (2012) Moderne Pharmazeutische Technologie (Modern Pharmaceutics), Lehrbuch für Studierende der Pharmazie & Nachschlagewerk für Apotheker in Offizin und Forschung, 2. Aufl., www.pharmazie-lehrbuch.de.

3.         Cornier, J., Keck, C.M., van de Voorde, M. (2019) Nanocosmetics – from ideas to products, Springer.


1.         Keck, C.M., A. Hommoss, Müller, R.H. (2008) Lipid nanoparticles (SLN, NLC, LDC) for the enhancement of oral absorption, in: Modified-Release Drug Delivery Systems Volume 1 (2nd Ed.), R.B. Walker, J. Hadgraft M.S. Roberts, M.E. Lane (eds.): 269-286.

2.         Keck, C.M. (2009) Laserdiffraktometrie, in: Moderne Pharmazeutische Technologie; C.M. Keck and R.H. Müller (eds.): 50-55.

3.         Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2009) Photonenkorrelationsspektroskopie, in: Moderne Pharmazeutische Technologie; C.M. Keck and R.H. Müller (eds.): 56-61.

4.         Jansch, M., Keck, C.M. (2009) Proteinanalytik mit 2-D PAGE, in: Moderne Pharmazeutische Technologie; C.M. Keck and R.H. Müller (eds.): 62-66.

5.         Kobierski, S., Keck, C.M. (2009) Nanonisierung von pharmazeutischen Wirkstoffen mit Rührwerkskugelmühlen, in: Moderne Pharmazeutische Technologie; C.M. Keck and R.H. Müller (eds.): 100-103.

6.         Souto, E. B., Keck, C., Müller, R.H., (2010) Technology of lipid nanoparticles (SLN, NLC) as nanocarriers for skin applications: properties, production & cosmetic formulations, in: Cosmetics: Types, Allergies and Applications,Laura M. Hayes (Ed.), Nova Scientific Publishers, Hauppauge, New York, USA, Chapter 3.

7.         Keck, C.M., Al Shaal, L., Müller, R.H. (2010) smartCrystals – review of the second generation of drug nanocrystals, in: Handbook of Materials for Nanomedicine (V. Torchillin, M. M. Amiji, eds.), Pan Stanford Series on Biomedical Nanotechnology, Pan Stanford Publishing, London, 555-580.

8.         Müller, R.H., R. Shegokar, S. Gohla, C.M. Keck, (2011) Nanocrystals: Production, Cellular Drug Delivery, Current and Future Products, in Intracellular Delivery: Fundamentals and Applications, Fundamental Biomedical Technologies, A. Prokop, Editor, Springer, 411-32.

9.         Keck, C. M. Kobierski, S., Mauludin, R., Müller, R. H. (2013) Novel top down technologies: Effective production of ultra-fine drug nanocrystals, in Drug Delivery Strategies for Poorly Water-Soluble Drugs. Douroumis, D., Fahr, A. Wiley, 247-264.

10.     Keck C.M., Müller, R.M., Schäfer, K.H. (2014) Nanotaxis for antioxidants to make them biologically active, in Recent advances in redox active plant and microbial products: From basic chemistry to widespread applications in Medicine and Agriculture, Claus Jacob (ed.), Springer, 401-421.

11.     Müller, R.H., Alexiev, U., Sinambela, P., Keck, C. M. (2016) Nanostructured Lipid Carriers (NLC): the second generation of solid lipid nanoparticles in Percutaneous Penetration Enhancers Chemical Methods in Penetration Enhancement - Nanocarriers, Nina Dragicevic and Howard I. Maibach (eds.), Springer, 161-185.

12.     Müller, R.H., Zhai, X., Romero, G.B., Keck, C. M. (2016) Nanocrystals for Passive Dermal penetration enhancement in Percutaneous Penetration Enhancers Chemical Methods in Penetration Enhancement - Nanocarriers, N. Dragicevic and H.I. Maibach (eds.), Springer, 283-295.

13.     Romero, G.B., Brysch, W., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2017) Nanocapsule formation by nanocrystals, in Nanoencapuslation technologies for the food and nutraceutical industries, Jafari, S.M. (ed.), Academic Press, Elsevier, 165-186.

14.     Pyo, S.M., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2017) Encapsulation by nanostructured lipid carriers, in Nanoencapuslation Technologies for the food and nutraceutical industries, Jafari, S.M. (ed.), Academic Press, Elsevier, 114-138.

15.     Pelikh, O., Hartmann, S.F., Abraham A., Keck, C.M. (2019), Nanocrystals for dermal application, in Nanocosmetics – from ideas to products, Cornier, J., Keck, C.M., van de Voorde, M. (eds.), Springer, 161-179.

16.     Hartmann, S.F., Eckert, R.W., Knoth, D., Keck, C.M. (2019), Characterization of nanoparticles for cosmetic applications, in Nanocosmetics – from ideas to products, Cornier, J., Keck, C.M., van de Voorde, M. (eds.), Springer, 181-198.

17.     Knoth, D, Eckert, R.W., Hartmann, S.F., Keck, C.M. (2019), Characterization of nanoparticles in dermal formulations, in Nanocosmetics – from ideas to products, Cornier, J., Keck, C.M., van de Voorde, M. (eds.), Springer, 199-216.

18.     Knoth, D., Eckert, R.W., Farida, V., Stahr, P., Hartmann, S., Stumpf, F., Pelikh, O., Keck, C.M. (2019) Nanocarrier-Based Formulations: Production and Cosmeceutic Applications in Cosmetic Formulation: Principles and Practice, Heather A.E. Benson, H.A.E., Roberts, M.S., Leite-Silva, V.R.; Walters, K. (eds.).CRS press, 322-359.

19.     Eckert, R.W. Hartmann, S.F.; Knoth, D., Pelikh, O., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2019 – in press) Nanocrystals - the universal formulation principle to improve the bioactivity of poorly soluble actives in Handbook of Materials for Nanomedicine (2 nd ed) Torchillin, V. (ed.). PanStanford Publishing.

Zeitschriftenartikel (begutachtet):

1.         Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2004) Challenges and solutions for the delivery of biotech drugs - a review of drug nanocrystal technology and lipid nanoparticles, J. Biotechnol., 113 (1-3): 151-70.

2.         Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2004) Drug delivery to the brain - realization by novel drug carriers, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 4 (5): 471-83.

3.         Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2006) Drug nanocrystals of poorly soluble drugs produced by high pressure homogenisation, Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm., 62 (1): 3-16.

4.         Keck, C.M., Hommoss, A., Müller, R.H. (2007) Lipid Nanoparticles for Encapsulation of Actives: Dermal & Oral Formulations, Am. Pharm. Rev., 10 (7): 78-87.

5.         Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2008) Size Analysis of Submicron Particles by Laser Diffractometry - 90% of the Published Measurements Are False, Int. J. Pharm., 355 (1-2): 150-63.

6.         Keck, C.M., Kobierski, S. Mauludin, R., Müller, R.H. (2008) Second generation of drug nanocrystals for delivery of poorly soluble drugs: smartCrystal technology, Dosis 2, (24): 124-28.

7.         Mauludin, R., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2009) Development of an Oral Rutin Nanocrystal Formulation, Int. J. Pharm., 370 (1-2): 202-9.

8.         Mauludin, R., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2009) Kinetic solubility and dissolution velocity of rutin nanocrystals, Eur. J. Pharm. Sci., 36 (4-5): 502-10.

9.         Mishra, P. R., Al Shaal, L., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2009) Production and characterization of Hesperetin nanosuspensions for dermal delivery, Int. J. Pharm., 371 (1-2): 182-89.

10.     Kobierski, S., Ofori-Kwakye, K., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2009) Resveratrol nanosuspensions for dermal application – production, characterization & physical stability, Die Pharmazie, 64 (11): 741-747.

11.     Keck, C.M., Schwabe K. (2009) Silver-Nanolipid complex for application to atopic dermatitis skin: rheological characterization, in vivo efficiency & theory of action, J. Biomed. Nanotechnol., 5 (4): 428-36.

12.     Staedtke, V., Brahler, M., Müller, A., Georgieva, R., Bauer, S., Sternberg, N., Voigt, A., Lemke, A., Keck, C.M., Möschwitzer, J., Bäumler, H. (2010) In vitro inhibition of fungal activity by macrophage-mediated sequestration and release of encapsulated amphotericin B nanosuspension in red blood cells, Small, 6 (1): 96-103.

13.     Baspinar, Y., Keck, C.M. Borchert, H.-H. (2010) Positively charged prednicarbate nanoemulsions for the treatment of atopic dermatitis, Int. J. Pharm., 383 (1-2): 201-08.

14.     Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2010) Pharmaceutical nanoparticles - from their innovative origin to their future, Int. J. Pharm., 390 (1): 1-2.

15.     Keck, C.M. (2010) Particle size analysis of nanocrystals: Improved analysis method, Int. J. Pharm., 390 (1):3-12.

16.     Al Shaal L., Müller R.H., Keck C.M. (2010) Preserving Hesperetin nanosuspensions for dermal application, Die Pharmazie, 65 (2): 86-92.

17.     Obeidat, W.M., Schwabe, K., Müller, R. M., Keck, C.M. (2010) Preservation of Nanostructured Lipid Carriers (NLC), Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm., 76(1): 65-67.

18.     Muchow, M., Maincent, P., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2011) Production and Characterisation of testosterone undecanoate-loaded NLC for oral bioavailability enhancement, Drug Dev. Ind. Pharm., 37 (1): 8-14.

19.     Souto, E. B., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2011) Technology of Lipid Nanoparticles (SLN, NLC) as nanocarriers for skin applications: Properties, Production & Cosmetic Formulations, Skin Res. and Technol: 69-91.

20.     Kovacevic, A., S. Savic, G. Vuleta, R.H. Müller, C.M. Keck (2011) Polyhydroxy surfactants for the formulation of lipid nanoparticles (SLN and NLC): Effects on size, physical stability and particle matrix structure. Int J Pharm, 406 (1-2): p. 163-172.

21.     Müller, R.H., S. Gohla, C.M. Keck (2011) State of the art of nanocrystals - Special features, production, nanotoxicology aspects and intracellular delivery. Eur J Pharm Biopharm, 2011. 78: p. 1-9.

22.     Müller, R.H., R. Shegokar, C.M. Keck (2011) 20 Years of Lipid Nanoparticles (SLN and NLC): Present State of Development and Industrial Applications. Curr Drug Discov Technol, 8 (3): 207-27.

23.     Müller, R.H., C.M. Keck (2011) Twenty years of drug nanocrystals: Where are we, and where do we go? Eur J Pharm Biopharm, 80: 1-3.

24.     Nikolic, S., Keck C.M., Anselmi C., Müller R.H. (2011) Skin photoprotection improvement: synergistic interaction between lipid nanoparticles and organic UV filters. Int J Pharm; 414: 276-84.

25.     Müller, R.H., D. Harden, C.M. Keck (2011), Development of industrially feasible concentrated 30% & 40% nanoemulsions for intravenous drug delivery. Drug Dev Ind Pharm, 38(4):420-30.

26.     Haag, S.F., Chen M., Peters D., Keck, C.M. (2011) Taskoparan B., Fahr A., Teutloff, C., Bittl, R., Lademann, J., Schäfer-Korting, M., Meinke, M.C., Nanostructured lipid carriers as nitroxide depot system measured by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. Int J Pharm 2011; 421: 364-9.

27.     Kobierski, S., K. Ofori-Kwakye, R.H. Müller, C.M. Keck (2011) Resveratrol nanosuspensions: Interaction of preservatives with nanocrystal production. Die Phamazie, 66 (12): 942-7.

28.     Keck, C.M. (2012) Partikelgrößenanalytik für Nanopartikel: Ein Kinderspiel oder doch eine verflixte Kiste?, TechnoPharm, 4, 279-87.

29.     Keck, C.M., Jansch, M., Müller, R. H. (2013) Protein adsorption patterns & analysis on i.v. nanoemulsions – the key factor determining the organ distribution. Pharmaceutics, 5: 36-68.

30.     Rachmawati, H., Shaal L.A., Müller R.H., Keck C.M. (2013) Development of curcumin nanocrystal: Physical aspects. J Pharm Sci 102: 204-14.

31.     Muchow, M., Maincent P., Müller R.H., Keck C.M. (2013) Testosterone undecanoate – increase of oral bioavailability by nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC). J Pharm Tech Drug Res, 2(1) dx.doi.org/10.7243/2050-120X-2-4.

32.     Keck, C.M. Müller, R.H. (2013) Nanotoxicological Classification system (NCS) – a guide for risk-benefit assessment of nanoparticulate drug delivery systems. Eur J Pharm Biopharm, 84(3):445-8.

33.     Schwarz, J.C., Baisaeng, N. Hoppel, M., Löw, M., Keck, C.M., Valenta C. (2013) Ultra-small NLC for improved dermal delivery of coenyzme Q10. Int J Pharm, 447(1-2):213-7.

34.     Acar Kübart, S., Keck, C.M. (2013) Laser diffractometry of nanoparticles. frequent pitfalls & overlooked opportunities. J Pharm Tech Drug Res, 2(1), dx.doi.org/10.7243/2050-120X-2-17.

35.     Riangjanapatee P., Müller R.H., Keck C.M., Okonogi S. (2013) Development of lycopene-loaded nanostructured lipid carriers: effect of rice oil and cholesterol. Die Pharmazie 68(9): p. 723-31.

36.     Keck, C.M., Chen R., Müller R.H. (2013) smartCrystals for consumer care & cosmetics: enhanced dermal delivery of poorly soluble plant actives. H&PC Today, 8(5): p. 18-24.

37.     Kovacevic, A.B., R.H. Müller, S.D. Savic, G.M. Vuleta and C.M. Keck (2014) Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) stabilized with polyhydroxy surfactants: Preparation, characterization and physical stability investigation. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 444: p. 15-25.

38.     Keck, C.M., Anantaworasakul, P., Patel, M., Okonogi, S., Singh, K.K., Roessner, D., Scherrers, R., Schwabe, K., Rimpler, C., Müller, R.H. (2014) A new concept for the treatment of atopic dermatitis: silver-Nanolipid-Complex (sNLC). Int J Pharm, 462 (1-2): p. 44-51.

39.     Scholz, P., Arntjen, A., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2014) ARTcrystal® process for industrial nanocrystal production - Optimization of the ART MICCRA pre-milling step, Int. J. Pharm, 465(1-2):338-95.

40.     Müller, R. H., Staufenbiel, S., & Keck, C. M. (2014) Lipid Nanoparticles (SLN, NLC) for innovative consumer care & household products. H&PC Today, 9(2), p. 18-25.

41.     Al Shaal, L., Mishra, P.R., Müller, R.H. and C.M. Keck (2014) Nanosuspensions of hesperetin: preparation and characterization, Die Pharmazie, 69(3), p. 173-82.

42.     Zhai,X., Lademann, J., Keck, C.M., Müller, R. H. (2014) Nanocrystals of medium soluble actives – novel concept for improved dermal delivery and production strategy, Int. J. Pharm,470(1-2):141-50.

43.     Keck, C. M., Kovacevic, A., Müller, R. H., Savic, S., Vuleta, G., & Milic, J. (2014) Formulation of solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN): The value of different alkyl polyglucoside surfactants. Int J Pharm. 474 (2014): 33–41.

44.     Zhai X., Lademann J., Keck C.M., Müller R.H. (2014) Dermal nanocrystals from medium soluble actives - physical stability and stability affecting parameters. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 88(1):85-91.

45.     Keck, C. M., Baisaeng, N., Durand, P., Prost, M., Müller, R. H. (2014) Oil-enriched, ultra-small Nanostructured Lipid Carriers (usNLC): a novel delivery system based on flip-flop structure. Int J Pharm. 477(1-2): 227–235.

46.     Müller, I., Hartmann, D., Urbschat, S., Keck, C.M., Eichler, H. (2015) Static Image Analysis as New Approach for the Characterization of Tumor Cell Lysate Used in Dendritic Cell Vaccine Preparation. Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy 42(2): 122–128.

47.     Lohan S.B., Bauersachs S., Ahlberg S., Baisaeng N., Keck C.M., Müller R.H., Witte E., Wolk K., Hackbarth S., Röder.B, Lademann J., Meinke M.C. (2015) Ultra-small lipid nanoparticles promote the penetration of coenzyme Q10 in skin cells and counteract oxidative stress. Eur J. Pharm. Biopharm. 89:201-7.

48.     Wei Q., Keck C.M., Müller R.H. (2015) CapsMorph® technology for oral delivery - theory, preparation and characterization.Int J Pharm. 482(1-2):11-20.

49.     Romero G.B., Chen R., Keck C.M., Müller R.H. (2015) Industrial concentrates of dermal hesperidin smartCrystals® - production, characterization & long-term stability. Int. J. Pharm. 482(1-2):54-60.

50.     Scholz, P., Keck, C.M. (2015) Flavonoid nanocrystals produced by ARTcrystal®-technology. Int J Pharm. 482(1-2):27-37.

51.     Scholz, P., Keck, C.M. (2015) Nanoemulsions produced by rotor-stator high speed stirring. Int J Pharm. 482(1-2):110-7.

52.     Scholz, P., Keck, C.M. (2015) Nanocrystals: From raw material to formulated final oral dosage form. A review. Curr Pharm Des. 21(29):4217-28.

53.     Romero, G.B., Arntjen, A., Keck C.M., Müller R.H. (2016) Amorphous cyclosporin A nanoparticles for enhanced dermal bioavailability, Int J Pharm. 498(1-2):217-24.

54.     Romero, G.B., Keck C.M., Müller R.H. (2016) Simple low-cost miniaturization approach for pharmaceutical nanocrystals production. Int J Pharm. 501(1-2):236-44.

55.     Pyo, S.M., Meinke, M., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2016) Rutin—Increased Antioxidant Activity and Skin Penetration by Nanocrystal Technology (smartCrystals). Cosmetics. 3(1), 9.

56.     Li, X., Müller, R. H., Keck, C.M., Bou-Chacra, N. A. (2016) Mucoadhesive dexamethasone acetate-polymyxin B sulfate cationic ocular nanoemulsion - Novel combinatorial formulation concept. Pharmazie 71(6):327-333.

57.     Baisaeng, N., Peters, D., Prost, M., Durand, P., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2016) In vitro Antioxidant Activity of Smaller Size of Coenzyme Q10-Enriched Shell of Ultra-Small Nanostructured Lipid Carriers, Walailak J Sci & Tech 13(10): 875-892.

58.     Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2016) Nanopharmacokinetics – Approach for a Better Understanding of Nanotoxicity, Nanosafety & Nanomedicines, Curr. Bionanotech. 2(2), p. 103 – 105.

59.     Scholz, P., Keck, C.M. (2016) Microcrystals & Nanocrystals Produced by Rotor-Stator High Speed Stirring, PharmInd. 8, p. 1196-207.

60.     Romero, G.B., Keck, C.M., Müller, R. H., Bou-Chacra, N. A. (2016) Development of cationic nanocrystals for ocular delivery. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 107:215-22.

61.     Griffin, S., Tittikpina, N.K., Al-marby, A., Alkhayer, R., Denezhkin, P., Witek, K., Gbogbo, K. A., Batawila, K., Duval, R. E., Nasim; M. J., Awadh-Ali, N. A., Kirsch, G., Chaimbault, P., Schäfer, K.-H., Keck, C. M., Handzlik, J., Jacob,C. (2016), Turning Waste into Value: Nanosized Natural Plant Materials of Solanum incanum L. and Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir with Promising Antimicrobial Activities, Pharmaceutics 8(2), 11/1-12.

62.     Scholz, P., Keck, C.M. (2016) Ibuprofen nanocrystals produced by ArtCrystal-technology PharmInd. 9/16: 1340-54.

63.     Faulstich, L., Griffin, S., Nasim, M.J., Masood, M. I., Ali, W., Alhamound, S., Omran, Y., Kim, H., Kharma, A., Schäfer, K.-H., Lilischkis, R., Montenarh, M., Keck, C. M., Jacob, C. (2016) Nature's Hat-trick: Can we use sulfur springs as ecological source for materials with agricultural and medical applications?, Int. Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 119, p. 678-686.

64.     Rachmawati, H., Rahma, A., Al Shaal, L., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2016) Destabilization Mechanism of Ionic Surfactant on Curcumin Nanocrystal against Electrolytes, Sci. Pharm. 84(4), 685-693.

65.     Boreham, A., Volz, P. Peters, D., Keck, C.M., Alexiev, U. (2016) Determination of Nanostructures and Drug Distribution in Lipid Nanoparticles by Single Molecule Microscopy. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. doi: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2016.10.020.

66.     E. Castellucci Estevam, S. Griffin, M.J. Nasim, P. Denezhkin, R. Schneider, R. Lilischkis,E. Dominguez-Álvarez, K. Witek, G. Latacz, C. Keck, K.H. Schäfer, K. Kieć-Kononowicz, J. Handzlik, C. Jacob (2017) Natural Selenium Particles from Staphylococcus carnosus: Hazards or particles with particular promise?, J. Hazard. Mater. 324: 22-30.

67.     Wei, Q., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2017) Oral hesperidin—Amorphization and improved dissolution properties by controlled loading onto porous silica, Int. J. Pharm. Volume 518 (1–2): 253-263.

68.     Mauro Pittiruti, M., Sasse, M., Braun, A., Keck, C.M., Lankers, M., Gomis Munoz, P., Ryder, M., Stone, J. (2016) Time to rethink filtration: New understandings in IV filtration relevant to patient care, Brit. J. Nurs. 25(Sup19): p. 1-12.

69.     Wei, Q., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2017) Preparation and tableting of long-term stable amorphous rutin using porous silica, Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 113: p. 97-107.

70.     Keck, C.M. (2017) „Dermokosmetika und Anti-Aging“, J. Ästhet. Chir., 10(3): p.101-110.

71.     Pyo, S.M., Hespeler, D., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2017) Dermal miconazole nitrate nanocrystals − formulation development, increased antifungal efficacy & skin penetration, Int.J.Pharm:531(1):350-359.

72.     Griffin, S., Alkhayer,R., Mirzoyan, S., Turabyan, A., Zucca, P., Sarfraz, M., Nasim, M.J., Trchounian, A., Rescigno, A., Keck, C.M., Jacob, C. (2017) Nanosizing Cynomorium: Thumbs up for PotentialAntifungal Applications, Innventions 2: p. 24/1-10.

73.     Wei, Q., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2018) Solidification of hesperidin nanosuspension by spray drying optimized by Design of Experiment (DoE), Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy 44(1), p. 1-12.

74.     Lohan, S.B., Vitt, K., Scholz, P., Keck, C.M., Meinke, M.C. (2018) ROS production and glutathione response in keratinocytes after application of β-carotene and VIS/NIR irradiation, Chemico-Biological Interactions, 280: p. 1–7.

75.     Griffin, S., Masood, M.I., Nasim, M.J., Sarfraz, M., Ebokaiwe, A.P., Schäfer, K.-H., Keck, C.M., Jacob, C. (2018) Natural Nanoparticles: A Particular Matter Inspired by Nature, Antioxidants 7(1): 3/1-21.

76.     Griffin, S., Sarfraz, M., Farida, V., Nasim, M.J., Ebokaiwe, A.P., Keck, C.M., Jacob C. (2018) No time to waste organic waste: Nanosizing converts remains of food processing into refined materials, J Environ Manage. 210: p. 114-121.

77.     Griffin, S., Sarfraz, M., Hartmann, S.F., Pinnapireddy, S.R., Nasim, M.J., Bakowsky, U., Keck, C.M., Jacob, C. (2018) Resuspendable Powders of Lyophilized Chalcogen Particles with Activity against Microorganisms, Antioxidants 7(2): p.23/1-19.

78.     Keck, C.M. (2018) Dermokosmetika für „Anti-Aging“, Ästhetische Dermatologie & Kosmetologie 10 (1): p. 21–31.

79.     Sarfraz, M., Griffin, S., Gabour Sad, T., Alhasan, R., Nasim, M.J., Masood, M.I., Schäfer, K.H., Ejike, E.C.C., Keck, C.M., Jacob, C., Ebokaiwa, A. (2018) Milling the Mistletoe: Nanotechnological Conversion of African Mistletoe (Loranthus micranthus) into antimicrobial Materials, Antioxidants 7(4): p. 1-10.

80.     Pelikh, O., Stahr, P.L., Huang, J., Gerst, M., Scholz, P., Dietrich, H., Geisel, N., Keck, C.M. (2018) Nanocrystals for improved dermal drug delivery, Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 128: p. 170-178.

81.     Knoth, D., Keck, C.M. (2018) Characterization of Nanosized Drug Carriers by Analytical Centrifugation, Phys. Status Solidi A, 215(15): p.1700962.

82.     Stumpf, F., Keck, C.M. (2018) Tablets made from paper, Int.J.Pharm. 548(2): p.812–819.

83.     Stumpf F., Keck C. M. (2019) Tabletten aus Papier, Pharmind 03: p. 392-402.

84.     Hespeler, D., Knoth, D., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H., Pyo, S. M. (2019) smartPearls® for dermal bioavailability enhancement - long-term stabilization of suspensions by viscoelasticity, Int. J. Pharm. 562(1): 293-302.

85.     Jin, N., Pyo, S.M., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2019) Azithromycin nanocrystals for dermal prevention of tick bite infections, Pharmazie 74: 277-285.

86.     Jin, N., Pyo, S.M., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2019) Maximum loaded amorphous azithromycin produced using the wetness impregnation method with fractional steps for dermal prophylaxis against Lyme disease, Pharmazie 74: 345-349.

87.     Knoth D., Rincón-Fontán M., Stahr P.-L., Pelikh O., Eckert R.-W., Dietrich H., Cruz J.M., Moldes A.B., Keck C.M. (2019) Evaluation of a biosurfactant extract obtained from corn for dermal application, Int. J. Pharm. 564(1): 225-236.

88.     Ebokaiwe A.P., Ijomone O.M., Griffin S., Ehiri R.C., Obeten K.E., Nwankwo J.O., Chukwunonso E.C., Keck C.M. (2019) Nanosized selenium and Loranthus micranthus leaves ameliorate streptozotocin-induced hepato-renal dysfunction in rats via enhancement of antioxidant system, regulation of caspase 3 and Nrf2 protein expression, PharmaNutrition 9: p. 100150.

89.     Stahr, P.L., Keck, C.M. (2019) Preservation of rutin nanosuspensions without the use of preservatives, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 10:1902-1913

Zeitschriftenartikel (nicht begutachtet):

1.         Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2008) SmartCrystals® - Nanodiamanten zur Erhöhung der Bioaktivität, Labor & More, 1: 64-65.

2.         Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2008) Lipid nanoparticles – the innovative successor generation of the liposomes? Indian Local Chapter, CRS Newsletter, 7-12.

3.         Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2009) Lipidnanopartikel - Nanotaxis für den dermalen Wirkstofftransport, Labor & More, 4: 1-3.

4.         Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2010) Silber-Lipid-Zwerge - Ein neues Therapiekonzept gegen Neurodermitis, Quantos, 1: 6-11.

5.         Keck, C.M., Klotz, M., Schäfer, K.-H., Müller, R.H. (2011) Proteinanalytik – Schlüssel zum Körper, Labor & More, 1: 52-54.

6.         Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2013) Auf den Spuren Kleopatras Schönheit und warum Nanotechnologie noch schöner macht, Labor & More, 1.13: 8-15.

7.         Müller, R.H., P. Sinambela and C.M. Keck (2013) NLC – the invisible dermal patch for moisturizing & skin protection. EURO COSMETICS, 6: p. 20-22.

8.         Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2014) нанокосметикаЖенщина-мечтаантичности, Lab & More Russia, 1:14, p.1-7.

9.         Müller, R. H., Pyo, S. M., Klein, A., Fischer, T., Zhai, X., Keck, C. M. (2015) Nanotechnology & laser for effective treatment of couperosis, EURO COSMETICS 3, p. 14-18.

10.     Keck, C.M. (2017) Dermocosmetics for anti-aging: dream or reality?, COSSMA 11, p. 12-17.

11.     Keck, C.M. (2017) Traum oder Wirklichkeit? Dermokosmetik für das Anti-Aging (Teil 1), Medical Beauty Forum 6, p. 14-18.

12.     Keck, C. M. (2018) Traum oder Wirklichkeit? Dermokosmetika für das Anti-Aging (Teil 2), Medical Beauty Forum, 1: p.26-32.

13.     Keck, C. M. (2018) Anti-Aging-Strategien: Innovative Konzepte für die Entwicklung von Anti-Aging-Dermokosmetika, hautnah, 17(2): p.52–62.  

14.     Müller, R. H., Hespeler, D., Keck, C. M. (2018) More beautiful than Cleopatra: SmartCrystals® – the smart principle to deliver the beauty secrets of Cleopatra more efficiently into the skin. EUROCOSMETICS (11/12): p.6–9.

15.     Keck, C. M. (2019) Biopharmazie und Galenik bei der Formulierung von Vitamin D und E, Pharmakon, 7(2): p.111–120.

Proceedings (mehrseitig):

1.         Fichera, M. A., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2004) Nanopure technology – drug nanocrystals for the delivery of poorly soluble drugs (P1 272). Particles 2004, 6-9 March, Orlando/USA

2.         Keck, C.M., Bushrab, N. F., Müller R.H. (2004) Nanopure® Nanocrystals for oral delivery of poorly soluble drugs (C2 110). Particles 2004, 6-9 March, Orlando/USA

3.         Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2004) Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) for oral administration of poorly soluble drugs (C3 192). Particles 2004, 6-9 March, Orlando/USA

4.         Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2004) Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) for the use in pharma, cosmetics, food and agri (P1 273). Particles 2004, 6-9 March, Orlando/USA

5.         Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2004) Production of Cyclosporine Nanosuspensions for oral Delivery. World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 15-18 March, Nürnberg/Germany

6.         Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2007) Improvement of delivery & solubility of poorly soluble drugs by nanonisation. LTS Lohmann Academy, Petersberg/Germany

7.         Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2007) Oral Drug Nanocrystals: State of Industrial Development, Products and Future Trends. Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS), 7-11 July, Long Beach/USA

8.         Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2007) Formulation of Peppermint Oil in a Self-Emulsifying Drug Delivery System (SEDDS) for Oral Administration. Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS), 7-11 July, Long Beach/USA

9.         Keck, C.M. (2008) Laser Diffractometry of Submicron Particles: Essential prerequisites to gain valid data. 6th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 7-10 April, Barcelona/Spain

10.     Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M., Gohla, S. (2008) Smartcrystals: 2nd improved generation of drug nanocrystals, 6th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 7-10 April, Barcelona/Spain

11.     Müller, R.H., Nikolic, S., Keck, C.M. (2008) Dermal lipid nanoparticles (SLN, NLC) – state of the art 2008, 6th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 7-10 April, Barcelona/Spain

12.     Kerč, J., Kobierski, S., Al Shaal, L., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2008) Ascorbyl palmitate nanosuspensions: factors affecting the physical stability. 7th Central European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology and Biodelivery Systems. 18-20 September, Farmacevtski vestnik 20082 59, Special issue: 87-88., Ljubljana/Slovenia

13.     Kobierski, S., Hanisch, J., Mauludin, R., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2008) Nanocrystal production by smartCrystal combination technology, Int. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater. 35, #3239, New York City/USA

14.     Keck, C.M. (2009) Lipid nanoparticles for dermal and mucosal delivery – new industrial developments, 9th International Symposium of Controlled Release Society Indian Chapter, Mumbai/India

15.     Kerč, J., Kobierski, S., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2009) Influence of different stabilizers on particle size of apigenin nanosuspensions produced by high pressure homogenization, 36th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS), July 18-22, Copenhagen/Denmark

16.     Jansch, M., Nurzatul, E., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H., Ismail, M. (2009) Plasma protein adsorption on thymoquinone i.v. nanoemulsions, 36th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS), July 18-22, Copenhagen/Denmark

17.     Al Shaal, L., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2009) Preparation of stabilized and preserved hesperetin nanosuspensions, 36th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS), July 18-22, Copenhagen/Denmark

18.     Kobierski, S., Ofori-Kwakye, K., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2009) Optimized production of preserved resveratrol nanosuspensions, 36th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS), July 18-22, Copenhagen/Denmark

19.     Jansch, M., Nurzatul, E., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H., Ismail, M. (2009) Plasma protein adsorption on thymoquinone i.v. nanoemulsions, 36th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS), July 18-22, Copenhagen/Denmark

20.     Schwabe, K., Keck, C.M. (2009) Microsilver-NLC complexes – a novel formulation principle for the treatment of atopic eczema, Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting 2009, March 19-20, Halle/Germany, O14

21.     Acar, S., Keck, C.M. (2010) Menthol loaded NLC: Reproducibility of production method & effect of the production temperature on the physico-chemical parameters, 7th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, March 8-11, Valetta/Malta

22.     Kovacevic, A., Savic, S., Vuleta, G., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2010) Oil loaded lipid nanoparticles stabilized with polyglycerol fatty acid ester: a physicochemical characterization, 7th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, March 8-11, Valetta/Malta

23.     Jansch, M., Stumpf, P., Graf, C.M., Rühl, E., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2010) Plasma protein adsorption pattern of a new modified type of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for MRT diagnostics, 7th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, March 8-11, Valetta/Malta

24.     Acar-Kübart, S., Müller, R.H., Keck C.M. (2011) Particle Size Analysis by Laser Diffractometry: Influence of Instrumental Setup on Result in 38th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS). 2011. July 30 - Aug 3, National Harbor/USA.

25.     Baisaeng, N., S. Shegokar, Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2011) Method to produce NLC well below 100nm. in 38th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS), July 30 - Aug 3, National Harbor/USA.

26.     Kovacevic, A., Savic, S., Vuleta, G., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2011) Preparation and characterization of alkylpolyglucoside based solid lipid nanoparticles. in 38th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS), July 30 - Aug 3, National Harbor/USA.

27.     Peters, D., R.H. Müller, C.M. Keck. (2011) Easy Prediction of Antioxidant Capacity by using the free radical Tempo. in 38th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS). July 30 - Aug 3, National Harbor/USA.

28.     Acar Kübart, S., V. Gennrich, T. Röschl, C.M. Keck (2012) Measuring the “de Vringer” occlusion factor without a humidity chamber – a simple solution. in 8th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology. March 19 – 22, Istanbul/Turkey, No. 242.

29.     Acar Kübart, S., V Gennrich, C.M. Keck. (2012) Influence of packaging material on conductivity, pH and weight loss of water during storage. in 8th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology. March 19 – 22, Istanbul/Turkey, No. 262.

30.     Harden, D., Chen, R., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M., (2012) Zeta potential measurements of high concentrated fish oil nanoemulsions, 39th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS). July 15 – 18, Québec City/Canada, P 100226.

31.     Sinambela, P., Egorov, E., Löffler, B.M., Knauer, J., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2013) Human In Vivo Study: Dermal Application of Rutin SmartCrystals® & Peptide-Loaded Liposomes to Decrease Skin Roughness, 40th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS). July 21 – 24, Honululu/Hawaii, USA, ID 100348

32.     Chen, R., Durand, P., Müller, R.H., Prost, M., Keck, C.M. (2013) Antioxidant Capacity of Tailor-made Quercetin Nanocrystals with KRLTest , 40th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS). July 21 – 24, Honululu/Hawaii, USA, ID 100409

33.     Keck, C.M., Boreham, A., Schlieter, T., Peters, D., Müller, R.H., Alexiev, U. (2013) Nanostructures and drug distribution within Nanostructured Lipid Carriers (NLC), 40th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS). July 21 – 24, Honululu/Hawaii, USA, ID 100536

34.     Junmahasathien, T., Müller, R.H., Keck, C. M. (2013) The finest concentration and preparing condition of new Nanostructured Lipid Carriers (NLC), 40th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS). July 21 – 24, Honululu/Hawaii, USA, ID 100563

35.     Keck, C.M., Kovacevic, A., Savic, S., Milic, J., Müller, R.H. (2013) Successful formulation of solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) using polyhydroxy surfactants, 40th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS). July 21 – 24, Honululu/Hawaii, USA, ID 100603

36.     Keck, C.M., Bohrer, B., Gansen, P., Müller, R.H., Dittgen, M. (2013) High tolerance transdermal patches loaded with caffeine, 40th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS). July 21 – 24, Honululu/Hawaii, USA, ID 100700

37.     Scholz, P., Keck, C.M. (2014) Production of nanoemulsions by a high-speed rotor-stator stirring process, Controlled Release Society Local Chapter Germany, Kiel, 27-28 February

38.     Romero, G. B., Keck, C.M., Blume-Peytavi, U., Müller, R.H. (2014) Minoxidil for hair growth – optimized delivery by nanocrystals, S51, CRS Local Chapter Germany, Kiel, 27-28 February

39.     Junmahasathien, T., Müller, R. H., Keck, C.M. (2014) Vitamin B derivative-loaded NLC: development and in vitro release study, S56, CRS Local Chapter Germany, Kiel, 27-28 February

40.     Jin, N., Staufenbiel, S., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2014) Production of dermal azithromycin nanocrystals for prevention of lyme borreliosis infection, #30, p. 60, 9th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Lisbon/Portugal, 31 March-3 April

41.     Zhai, X., Keck, C.M., Lademann, J., Müller, R.H. (2014) Production of nanocrystals from medium soluble actives to enhance their dermal delivery, #186, p. 34, 9th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Lisbon/Portugal, 31 March-3 April

42.     Chen, R., Kumanova, Ö., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2014) ARTcrystals - a new combinational top-down technology to produce nanocrystals in an efficient way, #129, p. 30, 9th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Lisbon/Portugal, 31 March-3 April

43.     Chen, R., Wszelaki, N., Melzig, M. F., Müller, R.H., Keck, C. M. (2014) Critical size- & dose-dependent cytotoxic effect of quercetin nanocrystals in neuroblastoma cells, #45, p. 61, 9th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Lisbon/Portugal, 31 March-3 April

44.     Romero, G. B., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2014) Antioxidant rutin smartCrystals - preservation of oral nanosuspensions, #32, p. 60,9th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Lisbon/Portugal, 31 March-3 April

45.     Baisaeng, N., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2014) Ultrasmall NLC - improved dermal delivery of coenzyme Q10, p. 11, 9th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Lisbon/Portugal, 31 March-3 April

46.     Scholz, P., Arntjen, A., Keck, C.M. (2014) Nanocrystals produced by a high speed rotor-stator stirring process, 9th PBP World Meeting, Lisbon/Portugal, 31 March-3 April, P-No: 50

47.     Arntjen, A., Keck, C.M. (2014) Bio-physical parameters of ex vivo pig ear skin, 9th PBP World Meeting, Lisbon/Portugal, 31 March-3 April, P-No: 210

48.     Kovacevic, A., Müller, R. H., Savic, S., Milic, J., Vuleta, G., Keck, C.M. (2014) Lipid nanoparticles stabilized with an alkyl polyglucoside surfactant for dermal delivey of tracolimus, #234, p. 36, 9th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Lisbon/Portugal, 31 March-3 April

49.     Kovacevic, A. Müller, R. H., Savic, S., Vuleta, G., Milic, J., Keck, C.M. (2014) Sugar esters for the formulation of lipid nanoparticles, #11, p. 24, 9th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Lisbon/Portugal, 31 March-3 April

50.     Chen, R., Keck, C.M., Staufenbiel, S., Müller, R.H. (2014) Large scale production of cosmetic hesperidin nanocrystals by smartCrystal technology, #377, Int. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater. 41, Chicago/Illinois, 13-16 July

51.     Romero, G. B., Staufenbiel, S., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2014) Preservation of oral nanosuspensions with food preservatives, #406, Int. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater. 41, Chicago/Illinois, 13-16 July

52.     Pyo, S. M., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2014) Production of highly loaded vitamin K1 nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) against couperosis, #407, Int. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater. 41, Chicago/Illinois, 13-16 July

53.     Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M., Wei, Q. (2014) Amorphous drugs in porous materials - stability, solubility & tablet performance, #642, Int. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater. 41, Chicago/Illinois, 13-16 July

54.     Wei, Q., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2014) Comparison of CapsMorph and nanocrystals of poorly soluble drugs, #644, Int. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater. 41, Chicago/Illinois, 13-16 July

55.     Müller, R. H.,Monsuur, F., Hoefer, H., Keck, C. M. (2015) smartPearls®: novel delivery system for improved dermal deliv ery of actives, Local Chapter Controlled Release Society (CRS), 12-13 February, Muttenz, Switzerland

56.     Arntjen, A.,Scholz, P., Keck, C. M. (2015) Usage of high speed stirring for microorganism reduction in aqueous suspensions and emulsions, Local Chapter Controlled Release Society (CRS), 12-13 February, Muttenz, Switzerland

57.     Scholz, P., Keck, C. M. (2015) Nanocarrier production by high speed stirring: A comparison of technologies, Local Chapter Controlled Release Society (CRS), 12-13 February, Muttenz, Switzerland

58.     Li, X., Zhai, X., Müller, R. H., Keck, C. M. (2015) SmartCrystals – stability in dermal hydrogels and creams, #38, p. 11, 1st European Conference on Pharmaceutics, 13-14 April, Reims/France.

59.     Scholz, P., Lohan, S., Meinke, M. C., Müller, R. H., Keck, C. M. (2015), Comparison of different nanonization approaches for β-carotene, #40, p. 26, 1st European Conference on Pharmaceutics, 13-14 April, Reims/France.

60.     Staufenbiel, S., Romero, G. B., Jin, N., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015) Cyclosporin smartPearls for improved topical delivery, #42, p. 26, 1st European Conference on Pharmaceutics, 13-14 April, Reims/France.

61.     Romero, G. B., Keck, C. M., Bou-Chacra, N. A., Müller, R. H. (2015) Dexamethasone nanocrystals for improved ocular delivery, #49, p. 26, 1st European Conference on Pharmaceutics, 13-14 April, Reims/France.

62.     Pyo, S. M., Romero, G. B., Meinke, M., Klein, A., Fischer, T. C., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015) NLC and nanocrystal combination for effective treatment of couperosis, #82, p. 28, 1st European Conference on Pharmaceutics, 13-14 April, Reims/France.

63.     Romero, G. B., Keck, C. M., Brysch, E., Brysch, W., Müller, R. H. (2015) smartCrystals for functional foods: BIOSMARTS, #103, p. 30, 1st European Conference on Pharmaceutics, 13-14 April, Reims/France.

64.     Müller, R. H., Ruick, R., Keck, C. M. (2015) smartLipids – the "smarter" nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC), #104, p. 30, 1st European Conference on Pharmaceutics, 13-14 April, Reims/France.

65.     Jin, N., Staufenbiel, S., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015) Azithromycin smartCrystals for prevention of infections by tick bites, #125, p. 18, 1st European Conference on Pharmaceutics, 13-14 April, Reims/France.

66.     Jin, N., Staufenbiel, S., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015) smartPearls – stability and performance in topical gels, #126, p. 31, 1st European Conference on Pharmaceutics, , 13-14 April, Reims/France.

67.     Müller, R. H., Monsuur, F., Höfer, H. H., Keck, C. M. (2015) smartPearls/SYLOID 3D – superior generation of dermal delivery systems based on amorphous actives/drugs, #149, p. 19, 1st European Conference on Pharmaceutics, 13-14 April, Reims/France.

68.     Li, X., Bou-Chacra, N. A., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015) Cationic lipid-free cationic nanoemulsions with dexamethasone acetate and polymyxin sulfate (2015) Int. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater. 42, Edinburgh/Scotland, 26-29 July.

69.     Keck, C. M., Jin, N., Monsuur, F., Höfer, H. H., Müller, R. H., Staufenbiel, S. (2015) smartPearls for the dermal delivery of physically stable amorphous cyclosporine, Int. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater. 42, Edinburgh/Scotland, 26-29 July.

70.     Müller, R. H., Jin, N., Monsuur, F., Höfer, H. H., Keck, C. M., Staufenbiel, S. (2015) smartPearls for the dermal delivery of azithromycin against borreliosis infection (2015) Int. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater. 42, Edinburgh/Scotland, 26-29 July.

71.     Keck, C. M., Monsuur, F., Höfer, H. H., McCarthy, W., Müller, R. H. (2015) smartPearls – dermal delivery system for cosmetics & consumer care based on amorphous actives, Int. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater. 42, Edinburgh/Scotland, 26-29 July.

72.     Keck, C. M., Ruick, R., Müller, R. H. (2015) The smartLipids – 3rd generation of lipid nanoparticles after SLN and NLC, Int. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater. 42, Edinburgh/Scotland, 26-29 July.

73.     Griffin, S., Alkhayer, R., Zucca, P., Jacob, C., Keck, C.M. (2017) nanosized Mediterranean Mushroom therapy against Candida albicans, 9 th Polish - German Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences, 26-27 May, Krakow/Poland.

74.     Stahr, S., Keck, C.M. (2017) Rutin ArtCrystals® for pulmonal allpication: Formulation Development and Scale up, 9 th Polish - German Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences, 26-27 May, Krakow/Poland.

75.     Stumpf, F., Keck, C.M. (2017) Tablets made from paper: A new concept for Individualized oral Drug delivery, 9 th Polish - German Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences, 26-27 May, Krakow/Poland.

76.     Pelikh, O., Stahr, P., Eckert, R., Dietrich, H., Keck, C.M. (2018) Dermal drug delivery with nanocrystals – size matters, 11th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 19- 22 March, Granada/Spain.

77.     Stahr, P., Keck, C.M. (2018) Solid rutin nanocrystals in cysteine carrier for treatment of oxidative stress, 11th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 19- 22 March, Granada/Spain.

78.     Stumpf, F., Schröter, M., Keck, C.M. (2018) Coating tablets made from paper, 11th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 19- 22 March, Granada/Spain.

79.     Knoth, D., Keck, C.M. (2018) Characterization of nanocarriers – is an analytical centrifuge useful?, 11th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 19- 22 March, Granada/Spain.

80.     Abraham, A., Sarfraz, M., Alhasan, R., Griffin, S., Jacob, C., Keck, C. M. (2019) PlantCrystals for improved therapeutical efficacy of Pomegranate. European Conference on Pharmaceutics. Bologna/Italy. 25.-26. March.

81.     Eckert, R.-W., Hartmann, S. F., Keck, C. M. (2019) Small-scale bead milling process characterization: an approach towards tailor-made nanocrystals. European Conference on Pharmaceutics. Bologna/Italy. 25.-26. March.

82.     Eckert, R.-W., Pelikh, O., Keck, C. M. (2019) Dermal penetration of curcumin from nanocrystals & smartFilms®. European Conference on Pharmaceutics. Bologna/Italy. 25.-26. March.

83.     Hartmann, S. F., Keck, C. M. (2019) Oily Hesperetin nanosuspensions: a new concept for improved dermal drug delivery. European Conference on Pharmaceutics. Bologna/Italy. 25.-26. March.

84.     Knoth, D., Ornik, J., Koch, M., Keck, C. M. (2019) Terahertz Spectroscopy in pharmaceutical sciences – Crystallinity investigation of smartFilms®. European Conference on Pharmaceutics. Bologna/Italy. 25.-26. March.

85.     Pelikh, O., Stahr, P.-L., Eckert, R.-W., Keck, C. M. (2019) Hesperetin nanocrystals – which vehicle is best for effective dermal penetration? European Conference on Pharmaceutics. Bologna/Italy. 25.-26. March.

86.     Stahr, P.-L., Keck, C. M. (2019) Treatment of pulmonary diseases through optimized anti-inflammatory formulation, European Conference on Pharmaceutics. European Conference on Pharmaceutics. Bologna/Italy. 25.-26. March.

87.     Stumpf, F., Yutong, L., Keck, C. M. (2019) Tablets made from paper – an industrially feasible approach? European Conference on Pharmaceutics. Bologna/Italy. 25.-26. March.

88.     Pelikh, O., Keck, C.M. (2019) Phospholipids & essential fatty acids metabolism pathways in body and skin, 6th International Symposium on Corneotherapy "Enzymes & enzyme defects, Königswinter/Germany, 1-3 May.

89.     Abraham, A., Alnemari, R., Keck, C. M. (2019) Improved antioxidant capacity through Nano-Nutraceuticals: production and characterization of black tea PlantCrystals. Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society. Valencia/Spain. 21.-24. July.

90.     Eckert, R.-W., Keck, C. M. (2019) Smart nanonization: the next level of small-scale bead milling. Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society. Valencia/Spain. 21.-24. July. -submitted

91.     Hartmann, S. F., Keck, C. M. (2019) Reaching the deeper layers of the skin: A new concept for improved dermal delivery of lipophilic actives. Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society. Valencia/Spain. 21.-24. July.

92.     Keck, C. M., Stahr, P.-L., Pelikh, O., Müller, R.H. (2019) Nanocrystals as universal formulation for treatment of oxidative stress related diseases. Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society. Valencia/Spain. 21.-24. July.

93.     Knoth, D., Ornik, J., Stumpf, F., Koch, M., Keck, C. M. (2019) Terahertz spectroscopy for crystallinity investigation of hesperitin smartFilms®. Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society. Valencia/Spain. 21.-24. July.


1.         Keck, C.M., Fichtinger, A. Viernstein, H., Müller, R.H. (2004). Oral Drug Nanocrystals - Effect Of Potential Aggregation On Bioavailability. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), 7-11 November, Baltimore/USA

2.         Keck, C.M., Fichtinger, A. Viernstein, H., Müller, R.H. (2004) Production and optimisation of oral cyclosporine nanocrystals. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), 7-11 November, Baltimore/USA

3.         Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2004) Size analysis by laser diffractometry - how valid are the data?. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), 7-11 November, Baltimore/USA

4.         Keck, C.M., Kruschel, A., Böttcher, S., Müller, R.H. (2004) Formulation of Caffeine for Dermal Application. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), 7-11 November, Baltimore/USA

5.         Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2005) Particle Size Analysis with Laser Diffractometry is not sensitive enough to detect Changes in a Lipid Carrier System. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), 6-9 November, Nashville/USA

6.         Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2005) Characterisation of Nanosuspensions by Laser Diffractometry. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), 6-9 November, Nashville/USA

7.         Müller, R.H., Keck, C. M, Hanisch, J. (2007) Drug Nanocrystals: State-of-the-art and future developments, 7th International Symposium on Advances in Technology and Business Potential of New Drug Delivery Systems,13-14 February 2007, Mumbai/India

8.         Keck, C.M., Hanisch, J., Mauludin, R., Petersen, R. D., Müller, R.H. (2007) Rutin Drug Nanocrystals for Dermal Cosmetic Application. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), 11-15 November, San Diego/USA

9.         Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2007) SmartCrystals – Cyclosporine Nanosuspensions for Oral Use. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), 11-15 November, San Diego/USA

10.     Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2007) Sandimmun Neoral - reason for the inter-individual variations of bioavailability. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), 11-15 November, San Diego/USA

11.     Hommoss, A., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2007) Retinol loaded Nanostructured lipid carriers A design for higher chemical stability. Menopause Andropause Anti Aging 2007 - DER MENOPAUSEKONGRESS, 6-8 December, Vienna/Austria

12.     Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2007) Lipidnanopartikel - Innovatives Formulierungsprinzipip für lipophile Anti-Aging Wirkstoffe. Menopause Andropause Anti-Aging 2007 - DER MENOPAUSEKONGRESS, 6-8 December, Vienna/Austria

13.     Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H., Gohla, S. (2007) Nanokristalle - Innovatives Formulierungsprinzip für schwerlösliche Anti-Aging Wirkstoffe. Menopause Andropause Anti-Aging 2007 - DER MENOPAUSEKONGRESS, 6-8 December, Vienna/Austria

14.     Keck, C.M., Mauludin, R., Müller, R.H. (2007) Coenzym Q10: Beauty from the outside and the inside. Menopause Andropause Anti-Aging 2007 - DER MENOPAUSEKONGRESS, 6-8 December, Vienna/Austria

15.     Nikolic, S., Keck, C.M., Anselmi, C., Müller, R.H. (2007) Skin-friendly sun protection by nano-carrier technology. Menopause Andropause Anti-Aging 2007 - DER MENOPAUSEKONGRESS, 6-8 December, Vienna/Austria

16.     Pardeike, J., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2007) Coenzyme Q10-loaded NLC – in vivo performance on skin. Menopause Andropause Anti-Aging 2007 - DER MENOPAUSEKONGRESS, 6-8 December, Vienna/Austria.

17.     Keck, C.M. (2008) Laser Particle Size Analysis of Nanocrystals. CRS Local Chapter Germany, 4-5 March, Braunschweig/Germany

18.     Kobierski, S., Keck, C.M. (2008) Nanocrystal production by BM-HPH combination technology. CRS Local Chapter Germany. 4-5 March, Braunschweig/Germany

19.     Mauludin, R., Keck, C.M. (2008) Coenzyme Q10 nanocrystals for cosmetic and nutritional supplement products. CRS Local Chapter Germany, 4-5 March, Braunschweig/Germany

20.     Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M., Petersen, R. (2008) Nanocrystals for dermal application. CRS Local Chapter Germany, 4-5 March, Braunschweig/Germany

21.     Nikolic, S., Keck, C.M. (2008) Improved sun protection with Nano Lipid Carriers (NLC). CRS Local Chapter Germany, 4-5 March, Braunschweig/Germany

22.     Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2008) Second generation of drug nanocrystals for delivery of poorly soluble drugs: smartCrystal technology. Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 34 (1, Supplement 1): S20-S21

23.     Keck, C.M. (2008) Laser diffractometry of submicron particles: optical parameters and additional techniques - a pitfall?. 10th European Workshop on Particulate Systems, 30-31 May, Berlin/Germany

24.     Keck, C.M., Schulze, S., Koch, S. Elmer, P., Gau D. (2008) Ultrasonic resonator technology: novel non-invasive method for assessing the physical stability of suspensions. 10th European Workshop on Particulate Systems, 30-31 May, Berlin/Germany

25.     Keck, C.M., Koppe, F., Tiede, H., Schmidt, C., Müller, R.H. (2008) Parenteral Lipofundin nanoemulsions: 20 years long-term stability, 10th European Workshop on Particulate Systems, 30-31 May, Berlin/Germany

26.     Keck, C.M. (2008) Size analysis of nanocrystals using dynamic light scattering. 10th European Workshop on Particulate Systems, 30-31 May, Berlin/Germany

27.     Mauludin, R., Keck, C.M. (2008) Production of lyophilised coenzyme Q10 nanocrystals. 10th European Workshop on Particulate Systems, 30-31 May, Berlin/Germany

28.     Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M., Mauludin, R., Kobierski, S. (2008) Second generation of drug nanocrystals: Special features of smartCrystals. 10th European Workshop on Particulate Systems, 30-31 May, Berlin/Germany

29.     Kobierski, S., Keck, C.M. (2008) Production of Hesperidin dermal nanocrystals by smartCrystal combination technology. 10th European Workshop on Particulate Systems, 30-31 May, Berlin/Germany

30.     C.M. Keck, J. Hanisch, S. Kobierski (2008) Nanosuspensions – New insights through improved characterisation. Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), 8-11 October, Bonn/Germany

31.     Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2008) Bioavailability enhancement by pharmaceutical, industrially feasible nanocarriers: form the academic idea to the market. Eurobiotech, 13-15 October, Krakow/Poland

32.     Al Shaal, L., Mishra, P. R., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2008) Hesperitin nanocrystals for dermal & oral bioavailability enhancement. Eurobiotech, 13-15 October, Krakow/Poland

33.     Keck, C.M. (2008) Correct laser size analysis in the nano range: prerequisite for successful formulation and product development. Eurobiotech, 13-15 October, Krakow/Poland

34.     Mauludin, R., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2008) Rutin smartCrystals: redispersibility and improved solubility properties upon lyophilisation. Eurobiotech, 13-15 October, Krakow/Poland

35.     Nikolic, S., Keck, C.M., Anselmi, C., Müller, R.H. (2008) NanoLipidCarriers (NLC) for safe and enhanced UV Protection of Skin. Eurobiotech, 13-15 October, Krakow/Poland

36.     Acar, S., Keck, C.M. (2008) Omega 3 fatty acid loaded nanostructured lipid carrier for treatment of atopic eczema. Eurobiotech, 13-15 October, Krakow/Poland

37.     Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2008) Second generation of drug nanocrystals for delivery of poorly soluble drugs: smartCrystal technology, 19th Helsinki Drug Research, L34, 2008

38.     Kobierski, S., Keck, C., Müller, R.H. (2008) Optimisation of nanocrystal properties by combination technology, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), 16-20 November, Atlanta/USA

39.     Kobierski, S., Al Shaal, L., Keck, C., Kerc, J., Müller, R.H. (2008) Preparation and physical evaluation of ascorbyl palmitate nanosuspensions, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), 16-20 November, Atlanta/USA

40.     Koch, S., Elmer, P., Keck, C.M. (2008) Electrolyte-/GIT-stable Rutin smartCrystal Nanosuspensions. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), 16-20 November, Atlanta/USA

41.     Keck, C.M., Schmidt, C., Thiede, H., Koppe, F., Müller, R.H. (2008) How stable are metastable nanoemulsions?. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), 16-20 November, Atlanta/USA

42.     Müller, R.H., Keck C.M., Petersen, R. D. (2008) Rutin smartCrystals: Bioactivity enhancement and stability against electrolytes. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), 16-20 November, Atlanta/USA

43.     Acar, S., Keck C.M. (2009) Dermal delivery of omega-3 rich lipids by NLC. 5th German-Polish Symposium "New Challenges for Pharmaceutical Sciences", 15 -16 May, Poznan/Poland

44.     Al Shaal, L., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2009) Production & stability of dermal hesperetin nanosuspensions. 5th German-Polish Symposium "New Challenges for Pharmaceutical Sciences", 15-16 May, Poznan/Poland

45.     Schwabe, K., Keck C.M., (2009) Silver-nanolipid formulation for skin care in atopic dermatitis. 5th German-Polish Symposium "New Challenges for Pharmaceutical Sciences", 15-16 May, Poznan/Poland

46.     Jansch, M., Nurzatul, E., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H., Ismail, M. (2009) Thymoquinone nanoemulsions for intravenous delivery. 5th German-Polish Symposium "New Challenges for Pharmaceutical Sciences", 15-16 May, Poznan/Poland

47.     Kerc, J., Kobierski, S., Keck, C.M. (2009) Apigenin nanocrystals for dermal application. 2nd Pharmaceutical Siences Fair & Exhibition (PharmSciFair), 8-12 June, Nice/France

48.     Schwabe, K., Keck, C.M. (2009) Combination of Nanostructured Lipid Carriers (NLC) and Microsilver - novel concept for atopic dermatitis, 2nd Pharmaceutical Siences Fair & Exhibition (PharmSciFair), 8-12 June, Nice/France

49.     Al Shaal, L., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2009) Preservation of Hesperetin nanocrystals for dermal application, 2nd Pharmaceutical Siences Fair & Exhibition (PharmSciFair), 8-12 June, Nice/France

50.     Keck, C.M. (2009) Physicochemical characterization of nanocarriers: size, charge & surface hydrophobicity, 2nd Pharmaceutical Siences Fair & Exhibition (PharmSciFair), 8-12 June, Nice/France

51.     R.H. Müller, Keck, C.M. (2009) Commercialization of nanosystems, 2nd Pharmaceutical Siences Fair & Exhibition (PharmSciFair), 8-12 June, Nice/France

52.     R.H. Müller, Keck, C.M. (2009) How to successfully market nanotechnology: from the academic idea to the market, 2nd Pharmaceutical Siences Fair & Exhibition (PharmSciFair), 8-12 June, Nice/France

53.     Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2010) Commercially feasible nanocarriers: lipid nanoparticles and nanocrystals, Innovation through Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials, Dresden/Germany

54.     Kovacevic, A., Savic, S., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2009) Evaluation of sucrose esters as novel stabilizers for Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLN). Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), 5-8 October, Jena/Germany

55.     Müller, R.H., Kovacevic, A., Savic, S., Vuleta, G., Keck, C.M. (2009) Alkyl polyglycosides – the novel stabilizers for dermal solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs). Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), 5-8 October, Jena/Germany

56.     Al Shaal, L., Keck, C.M. (2009) Development of preserved Hesperetin nanosuspensions for dermal application. Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), 5-8 October, Jena/Germany

57.     Rachmawati, H., Al Shaal, L., Keck C.M. (2009) Curcumin nanocrystals for oral administration: Preparation, characterization and electrolyte stability. Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), 5-8 October, Jena/Germany

58.     Schwabe, K., Keck C.M. (2009) Industrial scaling up of nanostructured lipid carrier (NLC) production using reverse flow chamber technology. Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), 5-8 October, Jena/Germany

59.     Keck, C.M. (2009) Nanocrystals as Novel Approach for Dermal Delivery. Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), 5-8 October, Jena/Germany

60.     Muchow, M., Maincent, P., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2009) Testosterone undecanoate: Oral bioavailability enhancement by lipid nanoparticles. Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), 5-8 October, Jena/Germany

61.     Roessner, D., Scherrers, R., Jocks, T., Seidel, H., Keck, C.M. (2009) Use of AF4-MALS to prove the mechanism of action of the silver-nanolipid-complex, 20th ILSC (International Light Scattering Conference), October 19-20, Santa Barbara/USA, P17

62.     Jansch, M., Shegokar, R., Keck, C.M., Singh, K. K., Müller, R.H. (2009) Plasma protein adsorption patterns on i.v. Anti-HIV nevirapine nanosuspensions, Annual Meeting of American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), November 8-12, Los Angeles/USA

63.     Muchow, M., Shegokar, R., Maincent, P., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2009) Testosterone undecanoate-loaded nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) for oral bioavailability enhancement, Annual Meeting of American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), November 8-12, Los Angeles/USA

64.     Muchow, M., Shegokar, R., Maincent, P., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2009) Nanosuspensions of testosterone and testosterone undecanoate: oral bioavailability, Annual Meeting of American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), November 8-12, Los Angeles/USA

65.     Schwabe, K., Keck C.M. (2010) Silver-nanolipid-complex: In vivo study, Controlled Release Society - German Local Chapter: Annual Meeting 2010, March 24, Saarbrücken/Germany

66.     Roessner, D., Scherrers, R., Jocks, T., Seidel, H., Keck, C.M. (2010) Silver-nanolipid-complex: mechanism of action using AF4-MALS technology Controlled Release Society German Local Chapter Annual Meeting 2010, March 24, Saarbrücken/Germany

67.     Peters, D., Keck, C.M. (2010) Lipid nanoparticles: Differences in polymorphic structures of SLN&NLC. 11th European Workshop on Particulate Systems (EWPS). 4-5 June, Paris/France

68.     Nikolic, S., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2010) Lipid nanoparticles for synergistic skin photoprotection. 11th European Workshop on Particulate Systems (EWPS). 4-5 June, Paris/France

69.     Patel, M., Singh, K. K., Keck, C.M. (2010) Silver-nanolipid-complex (sNLC): Anti-inflammatory activity in murine mouse model of atopic dermatitis. 11th European Workshop on Particulate Systems (EWPS). 4-5 June, Paris/France

70.     Acar, S., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2010) Verlängerte Freisetzung von Menthol in Sprays und Lösungen mit Lipid-Nanotechnologie, Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (DPHG) - Tag der Pharmazie der Landesgruppe Berlin-Brandenburg, 2 July, P1, Berlin/Germany

71.     Harden, D., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2010) Hochkonzentrierte Nanoemulsionen zur intravenösen Injektion – eine neue i.v. Formulierung, Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (DPHG) - Tag der Pharmazie der Landesgruppe Berlin-Brandenburg, P12, 2 July, Berlin/Germany

72.     Peters, D., Keck, C.M. (2010) Lipidnanopartikel: Vergleich der Matrixstruktur von SLN & NLC, Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (DPHG) - Tag der Pharmazie der Landesgruppe Berlin-Brandenburg, 2 July, P22, Berlin/Germany

73.     Kovacevic, A., Savic, S., Milic, J., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2010) Polyglycerol fatty acid ester-based lipid nanoparticles: a physical stability & crystalline status, 8th Central European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology, 16-18 September, Graz/Austria, PNM 11.

74.     Acar, S., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2010) Role of α-modification on physical stability of lipid nanoparticles. Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), 4-7 October, Braunschweig/Germany

75.     Keck, C.M. (2010) The silver-nanolipid-complex: in vivo efficacy. Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), 4-7 October, Braunschweig/Germany

76.     Harden, D., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2010) Highly concentrated 40% nanoemulsions for drug delivery. Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), 4-7 October, Braunschweig/Germany

77.     Peters, D., Keck, C.M. (2010) Alkylpolyglycoside stabilized NLC: Influence of Surfactant concentration on particle size & stability. Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), 4-7 October, Braunschweig/Germany

78.     Müller, R.H., Kovacevic, A., Savic, S., Keck, C.M. (2010) Formulation, physical stability and crystalline status of polyhydroxyl surfactant based SLN and NLC. Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), 4-7 October, Braunschweig/Germany

79.     Kovacevic, A., Savic, S., Vuleta, G., Milic, J., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2010) Polyglycerol fatty acid ester-based lipid nanoparticles: physical stability and occlusive properties, V Congress of Pharmacists of Serbia, 13-17 October, Belgrade/ Serbia

80.     Kovacevic, A., Savic, S., Vuleta, G., Milic, J., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2010) Formulation and stability investigation on tacrolimus-loaded lipid nanoparticles, V Congress of Pharmacists of Serbia, 13-17 October, Belgrade/ Serbia

81.     Keck, C.M. (2010) Nanocrystals: the most successful nano carriers in pharma, Overview of activities in NANOTECHNOLOGIES, Meeting of Nanodata, 24-25 November, Metz/France

82.     Harden, D., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2010) Nanoemulsions with high oil content as drug carriers for i.v. injection, Overview of activities in NANOTECHNOLOGIES, Meeting of Nanodata, 24-25 November, Metz/France

83.     Antaworsakul, P., Patel, M., Okonogi, S., Singh, K.K., Roessner, D., Scherrers, R., Seidel, H., Rimpler, C., Keck, C.M. (2010) Silver Nano Lipid Carriers (sNLC) for the treatment of atopic dermatitis, Overview of activities in NANOTECHNOLOGIES, Meeting of Nanodata, 24-25 November, Metz/France

84.     Baisaeng, N., Shegokar, S., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2010) Development of ultra-small Nano Lipid Carriers (NLC), Overview of activities in NANOTECHNOLOGIES, Meeting of Nanodata, 24-25 November, Metz/France

85.     Kovacevic, A., Savic, S., Vuleta, G., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2010) Formulation of SLN & NLC using PEG-free surfactants, Overview of activities in NANOTECHNOLOGIES, Meeting of Nanodata, 24-25 November, Metz/France

86.     Acar, S., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2010) Nano Lipid Carrier: Prolonged Activity of Menthol in Mouthwash, Overview of activities in NANOTECHNOLOGIES, Meeting of Nanodata, 24-25 November, Metz/France

87.     Peters, D., Keck, C.M. (2010) Lipid Nano Carrier for oral administration: lyophilisation & re-dispersibility, Overview of activities in NANOTECHNOLOGIES, Meeting of Nanodata, 24-25 November, Metz/France

88.     Harden, D., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2010) Production of concentrated i.v. nanoemulsions: Modified Continental versus English method. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), 14-18 November, New Orleans/USA

89.     Al Shaal, D., Shegokar, S., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2010) Novel UV Skin Protective Antioxidant Nanocrystals. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), 14-18 November, New Orleans/USA

90.     Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2010) Nanocrystals - Properties, Production Methods, Stability Issues. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), 14-18 November, New Orleans/USA

91.     Acar-Kübart, S., R.H. Müller, C.M. Keck. (2011) Crystallization behaviour of Nano Lipid Carriers (NLC): effect of lipid phase concentration. in Controlled Release Society German Local Chapter Annual Meeting, 15/16 March, Jena.

92.     Al Shaal, L., R. Shegokar, C.M. Keck, R.H. Müller. (2011) Apigenin Nanocrystals for dermal application. in Controlled Release Society German Local Chapter Annual Meeting, 15/16 March, Jena.

93.     Baisaeng, N., R. Shegokar, R.H. Müller, C.M. Keck. (2011) Development of lipid carriers with a particle size below 100nm. in Controlled Release Society German Local Chapter Annual Meeting, 15/16 March, Jena.

94.     Chen, R., R.H. Müller, C.M. Keck. (2011) Antioxidative Nanocrystals: correlation between particle size and physico-chemical properties. in Controlled Release Society German Local Chapter Annual Meeting, 15/16 March, Jena.

95.     Harden, D., R.H. Müller, C.M. Keck. (2011) Lipofundin - 20 year stability investigation of "metastable" nanoemulsions. in Controlled Release Society German Local Chapter Annual Meeting, 15/16 March, Jena.

96.     Kovacevic, A., S. Savic, G. Vuleta, R.H. Müller, C.M. Keck. (2011) Preparation and stability investigations on alkyl polyglucoside based solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) for dermal application. in Controlled Release Society German Local Chapter Annual Meeting, 15/16 March, Jena.

97.     Haag, S.F., M. Chen, A. Fahr, R. Bittl, C. Teutloff, E. Fleige, R. Haag, D. Peters, C.M. Keck, J. Lademann, M. Schäfer-Korting, Meinke, M.C. (2011) Electron Paramagnetic Resonance measurements of the skin to evaluate stability and penetration effects of nano carriers. 15th Annual Meeting of Society for Dermal Pharmacy, Vaals/Netherlends, 4 - 6 April

98.     Acar-Kübart, S., Keck, C.M. (2011) Influence of centrifugation on the crystallinity of nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC). in 6th German-Polish Symposium, 21/22 May, Düsseldorf.

99.     Keck, C.M. Lipid nanoparticles for dermal application (2011) in 6th German-Polish Symposium, 21/22 May, Düsseldorf.

100.  Peters, D., Müller, R.H., Keck. C.M. (2011) Development of fatty alcohol glycoside stabilized nanoemulsions. in 6th German-Polish Symposium, 21/22 May, Düsseldorf.

101.  Peters, D., Haag, S.F., Meinke, M.C., Keck, C.M. (2011) TEMPO loaded nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) to determine the antioxidant capacity of human skin. in 6th German-Polish Symposium 21/22 May, Düsseldorf.

102.  Shegokar, R., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H., Gohla, S. (2011) Cosmetic nanocrystals: products and dermal effects, P 123, 6th German-Polish Symposium, 21/22 May, Düsseldorf.

103.  Keck, C.M., Müller. R.H. (2011) sNLC – a new treatment strategy against AD. in 3rd Pharmaceutical Siences Fair & Exhibition (PharmSciFair), 13-18 June, Prague/Czech Republic.

104.  Kovacevic, A., Savic, S., Vuleta, G., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2011) Development of polyhydroxy surfactant based lipid nanoparticles in 3rd Pharmaceutical Siences Fair & Exhibition (PharmSciFair). 13-18 June, Prague/Czech Republic.

105.  Acar-Kübart, S., Keck, C.M. (2011) Contact angle determination: Effect of Sample preparation. in 3rd Pharmaceutical Siences Fair & Exhibition (PharmSciFair), 13-18 June, Prague/Czech Republic.

106.  Meinke, M.C., Haag, S.F., Chen, M., Fahr, A., Bittl, R., Teutloff, C., Fleige, E., Haag, R., Peters, D., Keck, C.M., Lademann, J. (2011) Evaluation of Stability and Penetration Effects of Nano Transporters in the Skin Using Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, II. 24, International Conference on “Biological Responses to Nanoscale Particles“,11-15 September 2011, Essen/Germany.

107.  Keck, C.M., Peters, D., (2011) Improved method for determining the antioxidant capacity of lipophilic actives, PO-062, Annual Meeting of German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), 20-23 September 2011, Innsbruck/Austria.

108.  Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2011) 20 years of drug nanocrystals – state of the art and perspectives, PL-006, Annual Meeting of German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), 20-23 September, Innsbruck/Austria

109.  Acar Kübart, S., Gennrich, V., Keck. C.M. (2011) Crystalline state of lipid nanoparticles: influence of water content on results. in Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), 20-23 September, Innsbruck/Austria, No. PO110.

110.  Baisaeng, N., Shegokar, R., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2011) Development of coenzyme Q10 loaded ultra-small nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC), Annual Joint Meeting, DPhG, 20-23 September, Innsbruck/Austria, PO-100.

111.  Müller, R.H., Shegokar, R., Keck, C.M., Gohla, S. (2011) Nanocrystals in dermal formulations – from the academic idea to the market, Annual Joint Meeting, DPhG, 20-23 September, Innsbruck/Austria, PO-114,

112.  Okonogi, S., Riangjanapatee, P., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2011) Effect of surfactant type on physical stability of lycopene-loaded NLC, Annual Joint Meeting, DPhG, 20-23 September, Innsbruck/Austria, PO-233.

113.  Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2011) Translation of nanoparticle to clinic & marketed product: Prerequisites, strategy, successful examples, Nanodrug Delivery: From the bench to the patient, Rome/Italy, 10-13 October, IL 13.

114.  Grabo, M., Dunmann, C., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2011) CapsMorph technology for generation of amorphous oral formulations, AAPS Annual Meeting, Washington D.C./USA, 23-27 October, W4131.

115.  Peters, D., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M., (2011) Preparation of a gastric resistant NLC dispersion, AAPS Annual Meeting, Washington D.C./USA, 23-27 October, W5115.

116.  Peters, D., Baisaeng, N., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2011) Novel innovative method for determination of antioxidant capacity vs. conventional DPPH test, AAPS Annual Meeting, Washington D.C./USA, 23-27 October, M1257.

117.  Peters, D., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2011) Development and physical stability of nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) in buffer solution, AAPS Annual Meeting, Washington D.C./USA, 23-27 October, T3215.

118.  Baisaeng, N., Shegokar, R., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2011) Development of ultra-small nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC), AAPS Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. /USA, 23-27 October, T3185.

119.  Müller, R.H., Keck C.M. Nanotoxicological Classification system (NCS) - a rational approach to assess the safety & risk of nanoparticles. Annual Meeting of the Society of Dermopharmacy, 1-3 March Berlin. 2012

120.  Keck, C.M., Gohla S., Müller R.H. Anti-oxidative and skin protective effects of drug nanocrystals. in Gesellschaft für Dermopharmazie. Annual Meeting of the Society of Dermopharmacy, 1-3 March Berlin. 2012.

121.  Kovacevic, A., Müller, R.H., Keck, CM. (2012) In vitro release of tacrolimus from the nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC), CRS German Chapter Annual Meeting, Würzburg/Germany, 29-30 March, P 5-3.

122.  Baisaeng, N., Okonogi, Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2012) In vitro release profile of coenzyme Q10-loaded ultra-small lipid nanocarriers and nanostructuered lipid carriers (NLC), CRS German Chapter Annual Meeting, Würzburg, 29-30 March, P13.

123.  Peters, D., Harden, D., Schmidt, C., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2012) Comparison of antioxidant capacity of krill oil capsules vs. Alaska Pollock oil capsules, Controlled Release Society (CRS) German Chapter Annual Meeting, Würzburg/Germany, 29 - 30 March, P5-4.

124.  Chen, R., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2012) LBLPlus - nanocrystals with enhanced stability in body fluids, CRS German Chapter Annual Meeting, Würzburg/Germany, 29 - 30 March, P38, poster P2-11.

125.  Harden, D., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M., (2012) Zeta potentential analysis for optimized formulation development, CRS German Chapter Annual Meeting, Würzburg/Germany, 29 - 30 March, P2-10,

126.  Acar Kübart, S., R.H. Müller, C.M. Keck. (2012) The secret of Cleopatra´s Beauty – and how Nanotechnology makes you even more beautiful in Spring Conference “Nanomedicine: Visions, risks, potential”, Berlin,19-20 April.

127.  Acar Kübart, S., C.M. Keck. (2012) Einfluss von Primärpackmitteln auf Nano-Arzneistoffträger- Teil 1: Wasser. in 8. Veranstaltung der DPhG Landesgruppe Berlin-Brandenburg “Der wissenschaftliche Nachwuchs stellt sich vor”, Berlin, 6. July.

128.  Baisaeng, N., Müller, R.M., Keck, C.M. (2012) The development and production of ultra-small lipid nanocarriers, Tag der Pharmazie, Annual Meeting, Berlin, 6 July, P 03,

129.  Sinambela, P., Löffler,B.M., Egorov, E., Shegokar, R.; Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2012) Dermal application of rutin nanocrystals on human skin as cosmetic and anti-inflammatory formulation, Tag der Pharmazie, Annual Meeting, Berlin, 6 July, P 30,

130.  Peters, D., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2012) Improvement of the 50 year old standard AOC test, „Tag der Pharmazie“, DPhG Landesgruppe Berlin-Brandenburg, Berlin/Germany, 6 July, P24.

131.  Chen, R., Wszelaki, N., Melzig, M. F., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2012) Production, characterization and neuro-effect of quercetin nanocrystals: Correlation between the size and cell penetrating. Tag der Pharmazie, Free University of Berlin, Berlin, 6 July, P6.

132.  Junmahasathien, T., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2012) Novel nanostructured lipid carriers using coconut oil. Tag der Pharmazie, Berlin/Germany, 6 July.

133.  Harden, D., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2012) Drug loaded omega-3-fatty-acid nanoemulsions for i. v. injection, „Tag der Pharmazie”, DPhG Landesgruppe Berlin-Brandenburg, Berlin, 6 July, P13.

134.  Baisaeng, N., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2012) Development and production of ultra-small lipid nanocarriers (NLC), Engineering of Functional Interfaces (EnFI), Zweibrücken, 16 - 17 July.

135.  Junmahasathien, T., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2012) Production of Nanoemulsion (NE) and Lipidnanoparticles in ultra-small scale, Engineering of Functional Interfaces (EnFI), Zweibrücken/Germany, 16-17 July.

136.  Acar Kübart, S., C.M. Keck, Müller R.H. (2012) CapsMorphTM – long term preservation of the amorphous state for poorly soluble actives. Engineering of Functional Interfaces (EnFI), Zweibrücken, 16 - 17 July.

137.  Keck, C.M., Müller R.H. (2012) Influence of the surface properties of nanoparticles for drug targeting and toxicity Engineering of Functional Interfaces (EnFI), Zweibrücken/Germany, 16 - 17 July.

138.  Keck, C.M. (2012) Nanocarriers for Healthcare and Cosmetics: Nanocrystals and Nanolipids for improved delivery of actives, Nutrichemicals and their regulatory influences on intracellular processes (NutriOx 2012), Saarbrücken/Germany, 6-9 September.

139.  Kovacevic, A., Müller, R.H., Savic, S., Vuleta, G., Keck, C.M. (2012) Influence of nonionic polyhydroxy surfactants on the formation of the lipid nanoparticles, 9th Central European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology, Dubrovnik/Croatia, 20 - 22 September.

140.  Kovacevic, A., Müller, R.H., Scmhidt, C., Volz, I., Savic, S., Vuleta, G., Keck, C.M. (2012) Tacrolimus loaded nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) formulation for dermal application, 9th Central European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology, Dubrovnik/Croatia, 20 - 22 September 2012.

141.  Kovacevic, A., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M., (2012) Physicochemical characterization of alkyl polyglucoside surfactants-based lipid nanoparticles, 9th Central European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology, Dubrovnik/Croatia, 20 - 22 September.

142.  Boreham, A., Schlieter, T., Peters, D., Keck, C., Müller R., Alexiev, U. (2012) "Tracking individual flurophores: application to lipid nanocarriers and their internal structure", Annual Meeting of the German Biophysical Society (DGfB), Göttingen/Germany, 23–26 September.

143.  Chen, R., Wszelaki, N., Melzig, M. F., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2012) Tailor-made production of quercetin and rutin nanocrystals for investigating the correlation between the size and effect to cell, DPhG Jahrestatung, Greifswald/Germany, 11-13 October.

144.  Baisaeng, N., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2012) The physicochemical characterization of CoQ10-loaded ultra-small lipid nanocarriers, AAPS Annual Meeting, Washington D.C./USA, 14 - 18 October.

145.  Peters, D., Harden, D., Schmidt, C., Chen, R., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2012) Antioxidant capacity of omega 3 fatty acids - improvement by nanoemulsification, 26th Annual Meeting of American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), Chicago/USA, 14 - 18 October.

146.  Chen, R., Kumanova, Ö., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2012) ART nanocrystals: a novel combinational technology to produce drug nanocrystals - more efficient and economical, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Annual Meeting & Exposition, Chicago/USA, 14 - 18 October.

147.  Kovacevic, A., Müller, R.H., Savic, S., Keck, C.M. (2012) Develoment of a controlled release formulation for tacrolimus based on nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC), AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition, Chicago/USA, 14 - 18 October.

148.  Acar Kübart, S., Müller, R.H., Keck C.M. (2012) Amorphous itraconazole formulations by CapsMorph technology. in Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), Chicago/USA, 12 - 14 October.

149.  Acar Kübart, S., Müller, R.H., Keck. C.M. (2012) Stable ketoprofen microcrystals by LBLplus technology. in Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), Chicago/USA, 12 - 14 October.

150.  Junmahasathien, T., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2012) Comparison and stability of ultra-small scale and normal lab scale for producing lipid nanoparticles, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), Chicago/USA, 14-18 October.

151.  Keck, C.M., Kovacevic, A., Müller, RH. (2012) Natural surfactant of polyglycerol fatty acid esters type as stabilizers for lipid nanoparticles, Annual Conference of the German Pharmaceutical Society, Greifswald/ Germany, 11 – 13 October

152.  Junmahasathien, T., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2012) Development of new Nanostructured Lipid Carriers (NLC): The optimum concentration and production condition, Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft e.V. (DPhG), Greifswald/Germany, 11 - 13 October.

153.  Junmahasathien, T., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2012) Development and stability of Novel nanostructured lipid carriers with coconut oil, The 4th International Conference on Natural Products for Health and Beauty (NATPRO 4), Chiang Mai/Thailand, 28 - 30 November.

154.  Sinambela, P., Egorov, E., Löffler, B.M., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2012) Combination of rutin smartCrystals and peptide-loaded liposomes for wrinkle reduction – an in vivo study, Menopause-Andropause-Anti-Aging 2012, Vienna/Austria, 6-8 December.

155.  Sinambela, P., Egorov, E., Löffler, B.M., Knauer, J., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2012) Antiaging rutin smartcrystals for reduction of brown and red skin spots – an in vivo study, Menopause-Andropause-Anti-Aging 2012, Vienna/Austria, 6-8 December.

156.  Chen, R., Sauer, M., Durand, P., Müller, R.H., Schäfer, K.-H., Prost, M., Keck, C.M. (2013) Rutin Nanocrystals: Production, Antioxidative Capacity, Neuroprotection, CRS German Chapter Annual Meeting, Ludwigshafen/Germany, 21-23 March.

157.  Chen, R., Xiangyu, L., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2013) Improvement of Kinetic Solubility of Tailor-made Quercetin Nanocrystals, CRS German Chapter Annual Meeting, Ludwigshafen/Germany, 21-23 March.

158.  Junmahasathien, T., Baisaeng, N., Schwarz, J.C., Müller, R. H., Valenta, C., Keck, C.M. (2013) CoQ10-loaded ultrasmall lipid nanocarriers (usNLC) for the deeper penetration, CRS German Chapter Annual Meeting, Ludwigshafen/Germany, 21-23 March.

159.  Xiangyu, L., Chen, R., Baisaeng, N., Müller, R. H., Keck, C. M. (2013) Surfactants for the formulation of NLC: Effects on size and physical stability, CRS German Chapter Annual Meeting, Ludwigshafen/Germany, 21-23 March.

160.  Bohrer, B., Keck, C.M., Gansen, P., Müller, R.H., Dittgen, M. (2013) Polyurethan transdermal patches loaded with Ibuprofen, CRS German Chapter Annual Meeting, Ludwigshafen/Germany, 21-23 March.

161.  Junmahasathien, T., Müller, R.H., Keck, C. M. (2013) Ultra-small scale for hot extrusion nanoparticle production, CRS German Chapter Annual Meeting, Ludwigshafen/Germany, 21-23 March.

162.  Keck, C.M. (2013) Galenische Besonderheiten von Dermokosmetika zur Anwendung bei zu Akne neigender Haut, Annual Meeting of the Society of Dermopharmacy, Mainz/Germany, 21-23 March.

163.  Keck, C.M. (2013) Lamellare Formulierungen als Rezepturgrundlagen – von der High-Tech-Analyse bis zur Identitätskontrolle in der Apotheke, Annual Meeting of the Society of Dermopharmacy, Mainz/Germany, 21-23 March.

164.  Zhai, X., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2013) Caffeine Nanocrystals – novel concept for improved dermal delivery & production method, Annual Meeting of the Society of Dermopharmacy, Mainz/Germany, 21-23 March.

165.  Chen, R., Prost M., Greiner L., Müller R. H., Keck C. M. (2013) Size-dependent Antioxidant Capacity of Tailor-made Quercetin Nanocrystals: a quick look from KRL Test, 7th German-Polish Symposium "New Challenges for Pharmaceutical Sciences", Gdansk/Poland, 24-25 May.

166.  Keck, C.M., Müller R.H. (2013) New developments in dermal delivery with lipid nanoparticles & drug nanocrystals, 7th German-Polish Symposium "New Challenges for Pharmaceutical Sciences", Gdansk/Poland, 24-25 May.

167.  Keck, C.M., Kovacevic, A., Savic, S., Milic, J., Müller, R.H. (2013) Development of nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) formulations stabilized with sugar ester, 7th German-Polish Symposium "New Challenges for Pharmaceutical Sciences", Gdansk/Poland, 24-25 May.

168.  Keck, C.M., Kovacevic, A., Savic, S., Milic, J., Müller, R.H. (2013) Sucrose esters in the lipid nanoparticles formulation, 7th German-Polish Symposium "New Challenges for Pharmaceutical Sciences", Gdansk/Poland, 24-25 May.

169.  Keck, C.M., Müller R.H., Junmahasathien, T. (2013) The influence of energy input on producing Nanostructured Lipid Carriers, 7th German-Polish Symposium "New Challenges for Pharmaceutical Sciences", Gdansk/Poland, 24-25 May.

170.  Müller R.H., Wie Q., Keck, C.M. (2013) CapsMorph: >4 Years Long-Term Stability of Industrially Feasible Amorphous Drug Formulations, 7th German-Polish Symposium "New Challenges for Pharmaceutical Sciences", Gdansk/Poland, 24-25 May.

171.  Keck, C.M., Baisaeng, N., Peters, D., Müller R.H (2013) The potential antioxidant capacity of coenzyme Q10-loaded ultrasmall lipid nanocarriers (usNLC), 7th German-Polish Symposium "New Challenges for Pharmaceutical Sciences", Gdansk/Poland, 24-25 May.

172.  Boreham, A., Schlieter, T., Volz, P., Balke, J., Peters, D., Keck, C., Alexiev, U. (2013) "Two different approaches to tracking individual fluorophores: application to lipid nanocarriers and their internal structure 9th European Biophysics Congress EBSA Lisbon/Portugal, 13-17 July.

173.  Müller, I., Hartmann, D., Ecker, C., Keck, C.M., Eichler, H. (2013) Static Image analysis to determine the aviality of tumor cell lysate in dendritic cell vaccination trials, 46th Jahreskongress Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transfusionsmedizin und Immunhämatologie (DGTI), ZTH-P0, Münster/Germany, 24-27 September.

174.  Eichler, H., Hartmann, D., Ecker, C., Keck, C. M. (2013) A new approach for analysing avitality of tumor cell lysate used in dendritic cell vaccination trials, 46th Jahreskongress Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transfusionsmedizin und Immunhämatologie (DGTI), ZTH-P0, Münster/Germany, 24-27 September.

175.  Staufenbiel, S. Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2013) Concept for „real environment“ quantification of surface hydrophobicity of polymeric nanoparticles, 12th International Conference „Polymers for Advanced Technologies“, PLS-45, Berlin/Germany, 29 September-2 October.

176.  Staufenbiel, S., Gröger, D., Keck, C. M., Haag, R., Müller, R. H. (2013) Targeting of i. v. polymeric nanoparticles by differential protein adsorption, PLS-46, Berlin/Germany, 29 September-2 October.

177.  Romero, G. B., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2013) Improved physical stability of layer-by-layer (LbL) coated nanocrystals (2013), NM.02, DPhG-Jahrestagung, Freiburg/Germany, 9-11 Oktober.

178.  Höhne, L., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2013) Optimized production and characterization of betulin nanocrystals for dermal application, NM.04, DPhG-Jahrestagung, Freiburg/Germany, 9-11 Oktober.

179.  Pyo, S. M., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2013) Vitamin K1-loaded NLC – optimization of production and formulation, NM.22, DPhG-Jahrestagung, Freiburg/Germany, 9-11 Oktober.

180.  Junmahasathien, T., Müller, R. H., Keck, C. M. (2013) Development of myristyl nicotinate-loaded nanostructured lipid carriers, W5055, AAPS Annual Meeting, San Antonio/USA, 10-14 November.

181.  Müller, R. H., Höhne, L., Keck, C. M. (2013) Betulin nanosuspensions for dermal delivery – production and caracterization, W5056, AAPS Annual Meeting, San Antonio/USA, 10-14 November.

182.  Chen, R., Prost, M., Durand, P., Greiner, L., Müller, R. H., Keck, C. M. (2013) Increased kinetic solubility and antioxidant capacity of tailor-made, quercetin nanocrystals, W5005, AAPS Annual Meeting, San Antonio/USA, 10-14 November.

183.  Müller, R. H., Wei, Q., Keck, C. M. (2013) Stability of industrially feasible amorphous drug formulations generated in porous silica, W5313, AAPS Annual Meeting, San Antonio/USA, 10-14 November.

184.  Hu, X., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2013) Stability study of dermal nano Q10 concentrates preserved by glycols, W5054, AAPS Annual Meeting, San Antonio/USA, 10-14 November.

185.  Chen, R., Romero, G. B., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2013) Reproducibility of smartCrystal technology for large scale production of cosmetic hesperidin nanocrystals, W5006, AAPS Annual Meeting, San Antonio/USA, 10-14 November.

186.  Wei, Q., Müller, R. H., Romero, G. B., Keck, C. M. (2013) Solidification of nanocrystals formulation by spray drying, W5071, AAPS Annual Meeting, San Antonio/USA, 10-14 November.

187.  Romero, G. B., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2013) Production of small ascorbyl palmitate nanocrystals for dermal bioavailability enhancement, W4117, AAPS Annual Meeting, San Antonio/USA, 10-14 November.

188.  Sinambela, P., Staufenbiel, S., Löffler, B. M., Egorov, E., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2013) Wrinkle reduction effect of rutin nanocrystals and peptide-loaded liposomes: a human in vivo study, R6087, AAPS Annual Meeting, San Antonio/USA, 10-14 November.

189.  Romero, G. B., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2014) Long-term stability of smartCrystals from poorly soluble plant actives, p. 25, 11th European Workshop on Particulate Systems (EWPS), Utrecht, 13-14 March.

190.  Wei, Q., Chen, R., Müller, R. H., Keck, C. M. (2014) Amorphous CapsMorph with high drug loading capacity for oral formulation, p. 31, 11th European Workshop on Particulate Systems (EWPS), Utrecht, 13-14 March.

191.  Jin, N., Staufenbiel, S. Helf, T., Müller, R. H. (2014) Comparison of methods to produce dermal azithromycin nanosuspensions to prevent lyme borreliosis infection, P. 38, 11th European Workshop on Particulate Systems (EWPS), Utrecht, 13-14 March.

192.  Pyo, S. M., Romero, G. B., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2014) Nano lipid carriers (NLC) & nanocrystal formulation for couperosis treatment, P. 39, 11th European Workshop on Particulate Systems (EWPS), Utrecht, 13-14 March.

193.  Scholz, P., Keck, C.M. (2014) Comparison of the nanonization potential of high speed stirring and pearl milling, 9th European Workshop on Particulate Systems in Nanomedicine, Utrecht, 13-14 March.

194.  Zhai, X., Staufenbiel, S.,Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2014) Ultrafine gelatin nanoparticles for dermal delivery of peptides & enzymes: production and characterization, P. 41, 11th European Workshop on Particulate Systems (EWPS), Utrecht, 13-14 March.

195.  Hu, X., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2014) Laser diffractometry size analysis of nanoparticles: the ignored pitfall of refractive indices!, P6, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Dermopharmazie (GD), Berlin, 7-9 April.

196.  Jin, N., Staufenbiel, S., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2014) Improved solubility properties of topical azitrhomycin nanocrystals for prophylaxis of borreliosis infection, P7, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Dermopharmazie (GD), Berlin, 7-9 April.

197.  Pyo, S. M., Meinke, M. C., Müller, R. H., Keck, C. M. (2014) Nanocrystals - a "needle free injection" of drug into the skin, P14, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Dermopharmazie (GD), Berlin, 7-9 April.

198.  Romero, G. B., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2014) Ultra fine cyclosporine A nanocrystals produced in a super small scale, P15, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Dermopharmazie (GD), Berlin, 7-9 April.

199.  Lohan, S., Bauersachs,S. ,Ahlberg, S., Baisaeng, N., Keck, C.M., Lademann, J., Meinke M.C. (2014) Ultra-small nanoparticles promote the penetration of CoQ10 in the skin - a counteract against oxidative stress, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Dermopharmazie (GD), Berlin, 7-9 April.

200.  Sinambela, P., Müller, R. H., Keck, C. M., Knauer, J. (2014) Dermal formulations with rutin nanocrystals & peptide-loaded liposomes - mechanisms & in vivo performance, P17, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Dermopharmazie (GD), Berlin, 7-9 April.

201.  Staufenbiel, S., Jin, N., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2014) Surfactant optimization for dermal azithromycin nanocrystals, P18, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Dermopharmazie (GD), Berlin, 7-9 April.

202.  Keck, C.M. (2014) Silver-nano-lipid complex (sNLC) as a new therapy concept for atopic dermatitis, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Dermopharmazie (GD), Berlin, 7-9 April.

203.  Keck, C.M. (2014) Improved efficacy of antioxidants through innovative dermocosmetic formulations, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Dermopharmazie (GD), Berlin, 7-9 April.

204.  Scholz, P., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2014) ARTcrystal®-technology: Influence of starting material size on final particle size „Tag der Pharmazie“, DPhG Landesgruppe Berlin-Brandenburg, Berlin, 4 July

205.  Scholz, P., Keck, C.M. (2014) Prozessentwicklung und -optimierung in der Herstellung nanopartikulärer Arzneistoffsysteme, Wirk- und Effektstoffforschung RLP: Screening, Synthese, Wirkung & Verfahrenstechnik, Kaiserslautern, 23 June

206.  Arntjen, A., Gerst, M.; Maus, A., Keck, C.M. (2014) Nanocarrier zur dermalen Applikation, Wirk- und Effektstoff-Forschung RLP: Screening, Synthese, Wirkung & Verfahrenstechnik“, Kaiserslautern, 23 June.

207.  Jin, N., Staufenbiel, S., Arntjen, A., Schäfer, K.-H.,Keck, C.M., Müller , R.H. (2014) Evaluation of dermal azithromycin nanocrystals for lyme borreliosis infection, 3rd International Conference in Advanced Manufacturing for Multifunctional Miniaturised Devices, Tsukuba/Japan, 27– 28 August

208.  Romero, G.B., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2014) Small scale production of nanocrystals in drug discovery and development phase, Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPHG), Frankfurt a. M., Germany, PT.08, 24-26 September.

209.  Jin, N., Staufenbiel, S., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2014) Pig ear skin penetration of azithromycin nanocrystals for Lyme Borreliosis infection, Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPHG), Frankfurt a. M., Germany, PT.09, 24-26 September.

210.  Scholz, P., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2014) ARTcrystal-tehnology for nanocrystal production: comparison of continuous premilling step, Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPHG), Frankfurt a. M., Germany, PT.11, 24-26 September.

211.  Pyo, S.M., Meinke, M.C., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2014) Dermal delivery systems – nanoemulsion vs. nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC), Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPHG), Frankfurt a. M., Germany, PT.12, 24-26 September.

212.  Romero, G.B., Keck. C.M., Müller, R.H., Bou-Chacra, N.A. (2014) Mucoadhesive polymyxin B-dexemtasone acetate nanocrystals for ocular delivery, Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPHG), Frankfurt a. M., Germany, PT.16, 24-26 September.

213.  Hommoss, G., Keck, C.M., Zhai, X., Müller, R.H. (2014) Tetrahydrocannabinol-loaded NLC for nasal drug delivery against break-through pain in cancer patients, Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPHG), Frankfurt a. M., Germany, PT.17, 24-26 September.

214.  Rostamizadeh, K., Gerst, M., Scholz, P., Arntjen, A., Keck, C.M. (2014) “Nano-Curry” for improved health, Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPHG), Frankfurt a. M., Germany, PT.19, 24-26 September.

215.  Müller, R.H., Ruick, R., Keck, C.M. (2014) smartLipids – the next generation of lipid nanoparticles by optimized design of particle matrix, Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPHG), Frankfurt a. M., Germany, PT.27, 24-26 September.

216.  Arntjen, A., Maus, A., Keck, C.M. (2014) Skin hydration of NLC due to formation of invisible patch: influence of vehicle, Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPHG), Frankfurt a. M., Germany, PT.28, 24-26 September.

217.  Baisaeng, N. Rostamizadeh, K. Müller, R.H. Lohan, S. Meinke, M. C. Durand, P. Prost, M., Keck, C.M. (2014) Flip Flop NLC for improved delivery of natural antioxidants, NutriOx 2014: Nutrition and Ageing, communication 7, Metz/France, 1 – 3 October.

218.  Müller, R.H., Chen, R., Durand, P.,Prost, M., Keck, C.M. (2014) Nanocrystals for Improved Antioxidant Capacity of Flavonoids, NutriOx 2014:Nutrition and Ageing, Metz/France, p.1, 1 – 3 October.

219.  Lohan,S.B., Bauersachs, S., Ahlberg, S., Baisaeng,N., Keck,C.M., Müller, R. H.,Witte, E., Wolk,K., Hackbarth, S., Röder,B., Lademann,J., Meinke, M.C. (2014) Improved protection against oxidative stress by Ultra-small lipid nanoparticles (usNLC) loaded with Coenzyme Q10, Nanocrystals for Improved Antioxidant Capacity of Flavonoids, NutriOx 2014:Nutrition and Ageing, Metz/France, p.5, 1 – 3 October.

220.  Scholz, P., Gerst, M., Keck, C.M. (2014) ARTcrystal®-technology to improve the bioactivity of poorly soluble plant actives, Nanocrystals for Improved Antioxidant Capacity of Flavonoids, NutriOx 2014: Nutrition and Ageing, Metz/France, p.10, 1 – 3 October.

221.  Rostamizadeh, K., Keck, C.M. (2014) Physicochemical characterization of Nanostructured Lipid Carriers (NLC): impact of solid Lipid to liquid lipid ratio, Nanocrystals for Improved Antioxidant Capacity of Flavonoids, NutriOx 2014: Nutrition and Ageing, Metz/France, p12, 1 – 3 October.

222.  Gerst, M., Rostamizadeh, K., Arntjen, A., Scholz, P., Keck, C.M. (2014) Art Crystal Technology for Improved Dermal Penetration of Rutin Nanocrystals, Nanocrystals for Improved Antioxidant Capacity of Flavonoids, NutriOx 2014: Nutrition and Ageing, Metz/France, p. 13, 1 – 3 October.

223.  Jin, N., Staufenbiel, S., Arntjen, A., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2014) Azithromycin nanocrystals for topical prevention of systemic Lyme Borreliosis infection, Nanocrystals for Improved Antioxidant Capacity of Flavonoids, NutriOx 2014: Nutrition and Ageing, Metz/France, p.14, 1 – 3 October.

224.  Junmahasathien, T., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2014) Myristyl nicotinate-loaded Nanostructured Lipid Carriers for improved dermal delivery, Nanocrystals for Improved Antioxidant Capacity of Flavonoids, NutriOx 2014: Nutrition and Ageing, Metz/France, p.15, 1 – 3 October.

225.  Müller, R.H., Monsuur, F., Höfer H.H., Jin, N., Staufenbiel, S., Keck, C.M. (2014) smartPearlsTM - novel amorphous delivery system based on porous materials to increase skin penetration of anti-oxidants, Nanocrystals for Improved Antioxidant Capacity of Flavonoids, NutriOx 2014:- Nutrition and Ageing, Metz/France, p.19, 1 – 3 October.

226.  Li, X., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H., Zhai, X., Chacra, N. (2014) Cationic nanoemulsions as potential ophthalmic delivery system for dexamethasone acetate and polymyxin B, FCF 115, XIX Pharmaceutical Science and Technological Meeting, Sao Paulo/Brasil, 20-24 October.

227.  Romero, G. B., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H., Chacra, N. (2014) Cationic dexamethasone acetate-polymyxin B nanocrystals: an innovative strategy for the treatment of ophthalmic infections, FCF 91, XIX Pharmaceutical Science and Technological Meeting, Sao Paulo/Brasil, 20-24 October.

228.  Müller, R. H., Schmidt, C., Trebeljahr, R., Lautenschläger, H., Keck, C. M. (2014) Boswellia smartCrystals for dermal application: production and stability, M1078, AAPS Annual Meeting, San Diego/USA, 2-6 November.

229.  Müller, R. H., Pyo, S., Zhai, X., Klein, S., Fischer, T., Keck, C. M. (2014) Combined nanocrystal-NLC formulation for laser co-treatment of couperosis, M1079, San Diego/USA, 2-6 November.

230.  Li, X., Zhai, X., Romero, G. B., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H., Physical stability of nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) in hydrogels, M1095, AAPS Annual Meeting, San Diego/USA, 2-6 November.

231.  Jin, N., Staufenbiel, S. Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2014) Development of dermal azithromycin nanocrystals for prevention of lyme borreliosis, M1102, AAPS Annual Meeting, San Diego/USA, 2-6 November.

232.  Staufenbiel, S., Reinicke, A., Supplies, M., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2014) NanoCoffee - a dermal formulation with high antioxidant capacity and peeling effect, M1103, AAPS Annual Meeting, San Diego/USA, 2-6 November.

233.  Li, X., Zhai, X., Romero, G. B., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2014) Physical stability of nanocrystals in hydrogels and o/w creams, M1184, AAPS Annual Meeting, San Diego/USA, 2-6 November.

234.  Staufenbiel, S., Jin, N., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2014) Determination of surface hydrophobicity and protein adsorption onto differently coated azithromycin nanocrystals, R6080, AAPS Annual Meeting, San Diego/USA, 2-6 November.

235.  Romero, G. B., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2014) Simple downscaling approach for nanocrystal production, R6262, AAPS Annual Meeting, San Diego/USA, 2-6 November.

236.  Romero, G. B., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2014) Preservation of smartCrystal® suspensions for functional drinks, T2131, AAPS Annual Meeting, San Diego/USA, 2-6 November.

237.  Müller, R. H., Ruick, R., Keck, C. M. (2014) smartLipids® - the new generation of lipid nanoparticles after SLN and NLC, T3134, AAPS Annual Meeting, San Diego/USA, 2-6 November.

238.  Scholz, P., Staufenbiel, S., Müller, R. H., Keck, C. M. (2014) Method for the production of drug nanocrystals in industrial scale, W4347, AAPS Annual Meeting, San Diego/USA, 2-6 November.

239.  Wei, Q., Staufenbiel, S., Müller, R. H., Keck, C. M. (2014) CapsMorph: controlled release of poorly water-soluble drug by using porous silica material, W5172, AAPS Annual Meeting, San Diego/USA, 2-6 November.

240.  Keck, C. M., Monsuur, F., Höfer, H. H., Jin, N., Staufenbiel, S., Müller, R. H. (2014) smartPearls - new dermal injection-like delivery system without use of a needle, p. 10, Menopause, Andropause, Anti-aging, Vienna/Austria, 11-13 December.

241.  Jin, N., Staufenbiel, S., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2014) smartCrystals - enhancement of drug penetration without penetration enhancer, p. 13, Menopause, Andropause, Anti-aging, Vienna, Vienna/Austria, 11-13 December.

242.  Keck, C. M., Pyo, S. M., Jin, N., Müller, R. H., Knauer, J. (2014) Rutin smartCrystals - most effective anti-oxidant activity & skin penetration, p. 14, Menopause, Andropause, Anti-aging, Vienna/Austria, 11-13 December.

243.  Jin, N., Keck, C. M., Staufenbiel, S., Monsuur, F., Höfer, H. H., Müller, R. H. (2015), smartPearlsTM – novel dermal delivery system for amorphous cosmetic and pharma actives, P4, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Dermopharmazie (GD), 16-18 March, Berlin/Germany.

244.  Li, X., Staufenbiel, S., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015) Betulin formulated as smartCrystals for increasing dermal bioavailability, P7, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Dermopharmazie (GD), 16-18 March, Berlin/Germany.

245.  Müller, R. H., Keck, C. M. (2015) Next generation after SLN and NLC – the "chaotic" smartLipids, P9, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Dermopharmazie (GD), 16-18 March, Berlin/Germany.

246.  Pyo, S. M., Müller, R. H., Knauer, J. (2015) Rutin smartCrystals for an improved antioxidant activity in skin, P10, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Dermopharmazie (GD), 16-18 March, Berlin/Germany.

247.  Romero, G. B., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015) Development of minoxidil nanocrystals for follicular delivery, P11, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Dermopharmazie (GD), 16-18 March, Berlin/Germany.

248.  Müller, R. H., Keck, C. M. (2015) smartPearls – novel dermal delivery system, oral presentation, 8th Polish-German Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences: Retrospects, Insights and Prospects, 29-30 May Kiel/Germany.

249.  Jin, N., Staufenbiel, S., Keck, C. M., Monsuur, F., Höfer, H. H., Müller, R. H. (2015) Lyme-borreliosis-preventing azithromycin dermal formulations – smartCrystals versus smartPearls, PT-01, 8th Polish-German Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences: Retrospects, Insights and Prospects, Insights and Prospects, 29-30 May Kiel/Germany.

250.  Romero, G. B., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015) Minoxidil nanocrystals for improved treatment of hair loss, PT-02, 8th Polish-German Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences: Retrospects, Insights and Prospects, 29-30 May Kiel/Germany.

251.  Ding, Y., Staufenbiel, S., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015) The smartLipids – new lipid nanoparticle generation for vitamin A derlivery, PT-03, 8th Polish-German Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences: Retrospects, Insights and Prospects, 29-30 May Kiel/Germany.

252.  Hommoss, G., Pyo, S. M., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015, Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) for nasal delivery of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), PT-05, 8th Polish-German Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences: Retrospects, Insights and Prospects, 29-30 May Kiel/Germany.

253.  Li, X., Staufenbiel, S., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015) Betulin smartCrystals for increasing dermal penetration, PT-06, 8th Polish-German Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences: Retrospects, Insights and Prospects, 29-30 May Kiel/Germany.

254.  Du, W., Staufenbiel, S., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015), smartPearls – Q10 loaded into porous silica: new strategy to anti-aging, PT-07, 8th Polish-German Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences: Retrospects, Insights and Prospects, 29-30 May Kiel/Germany.

255.  Pyo, S., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015) The increase of dermal bioavailability of the antioxidant rutin by new smartCrystal technology, POS.043, DPhG-Jahrestagung, 23.-25. September, Düsseldorf/Germany.

256.  Keck, C. M., Jin, N., Du, W., Staufenbiel, S., Monsuur, F., Höfer, H. H., Müller, R. H. (2015) smartPearls: Novel dermal amorphous delivery system based on porous particles, POS.044, DPhG-Jahrestagung, 23.-25. September, Düsseldorf/Germany.

257.  Braun, A., Law, J.K.Y. Scholz, P., Keck, C.M., Ingebrandt, S., Schaefer, K,H. (2015) Nano modified antioxidants for the prevention and treatment of neurogenerative diseases, DPhG-Jahrestagung, 23.-25. September, Düsseldorf/Germany.

258.  Ding, Y., Staufenbiel, S., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015) smartLipids – 3rd solid lipid nanoparticle generation for dermal delivery of retinol, M1130, AAPS Annual Meeting, 25-29 October, Orlando/USA.

259.  Müller, R. H., Ruick, R., Keck, C. M. (2015) Chaotic smartLipids – the 3rd generation of lipid nanoparticles after SLN and NLC, M1131, AAPS Annual Meeting, 25-29 October, Orlando/USA.

260.  Kovacevic, A. B., Müller, R. H., Savic, S. D., Milic, J. R., Vuleta, G. M., Keck, C. M. (2015) Optimization of particle matrix composition of tracolimus-loaded dermal lipid nanoparticles – theoretical predictions versus experimental screening, T3068, AAPS Annual Meeting, 25-29 October, Orlando/USA.

261.  Li, X., Bou-Chacra, N. A., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015) Novel formulation of cationic nanoemulsion: an opportunity for enhanced ocular delivery, T3105, AAPS Annual Meeting, 25-29 October, Orlando/USA.

262.  Li, X., Staufenbiel, S., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015) Dermal betulin smartCrystals with increased skin penetration for advanced consumer care, T3106, AAPS Annual Meeting, 25-29 October, Orlando/USA.

263.  Wei, Q., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015) CapsMorph – amorphous oral delivery technology in porous particles, W4224, AAPS Annual Meeting, 25-29 October, Orlando/USA.

264.  Romero, G. B., Keck, C. M., Bou-Chacra, N. A., Müller, R. H. (2015) Cationic nanocrystals: smart alternative for ocular delivery, M1134, AAPS Annual Meeting, 25-29 October, Orlando/USA.

265.  Romero, G. B., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015) Skin-friendly formulation of minoxidil nanocrystals with optimized size for hair follicle targeting, T3114, AAPS Annual Meeting, 25-29 October, Orlando/USA.

266.  Hommoss, G., Romero, G. B., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015) Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) for optimized nasal delivery of THC in cancer patients, W4133, AAPS Annual Meeting, 25-29 October, Orlando/USA.

267.  Jin, N., Staufenbiel, S., Monsuur, F., Hoefer, H. H., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015) Novel dermal azithromycin formulation: smartPearls for prophylaxis of lyme borreliosis, M1286, AAPS Annual Meeting, 25-29 October, Orlando/USA.

268.  Du, W., Staufenbiel, S., Monsuur, F., Hoefer, H. H., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015) Dermal coenzyme Q10-loaded smartPearls – the new strategy for super-active Q10, M1285, AAPS Annual Meeting, 25-29 October, Orlando/USA.

269.  Jin, N., Romero, G. B., Staufenbiel, S., Monsuur, F., Hoefer, H. H., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015) Dermal delivery of cyclosporine A – smartPearls versus amorphous drug nanoparticles, T2099, AAPS Annual Meeting, 25-29 October, Orlando/USA.

270.  Jin, N., Staufenbiel, S., Monsuur, F., Hoefer, H. H., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015) Novel dermal smartPearls for more effective delivery of poorly soluble anti-oxidants, T2100, AAPS Annual Meeting, 25-29 October, Orlando/USA.

271.  Du, W., Staufenbiel, S., Monsuur, F., Hoefer, H. H., Keck, C. M., Müller, R. H. (2015) smartPearls of poorly soluble betulin for increased dermal penetration, T2101, AAPS Annual Meeting, 25-29 October, Orlando/USA.

272.  Keck, C. M., Lohan, S.B., Bauersachs, S., Ahlberg, S., Baisaeng, N., Müller, R.H., Witte, E., Wolk, K., Hackbarth, S., Röder, B., Lademann, J., Meinke, M.C. (2015) Smartlipids Q10: Highly effective protection from light as innovative Anti-Aging formulation for the skin. Menopause, Andropause, Anti-Aging, Vienna/Austria, 10-12 December.

273.  Knauer, J., Pyo, S.M., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2015) smartLipids®-concept – lipid submicron particles for more efficient delivery of cosmetics & hormones to the skin. Menopause, Andropause, Anti-Aging, Vienna/Austria, 10-12 December.

274.  Knauer, J., Pyo, S.M., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2015) Antioxidant activity of rutin – watersoluble derivatives vs. rutin smartCrystals®, Menopause, Andropause, Anti-Aging, Vienna/Austria, 10-12 December.

275.  Müller R. H., Jin N., Romero G. B, Pyo S. M., Keck C. M. (2016) smartPearls® - special features & basic mechanisms of this micro-sized dermal delivery system for poorly solubles, Controlled Release Society Local Chapter, Saarbrücken/Germany, 7 March, poster no. 50

276.  Griffin S., Schneider R., Arntjen A., Denezhkin P., Witek K., Alkhayer R., Al-Marby A., Nasim M.J., Schäfer K.H., Keck C.M., Jacob C. (2016) Nanosized plant material of Solanum incanum: a smart principle to unlock biological activity of a natural pesticide, Controlled Release Society Local Chapter, Saarbrücken/Germany, 7 March, poster no. 30

277.  Hespeler D., Pyo S. M., Kumpugdee Vollrath M, Keck C. M. (2016) Miconazole nitrate nanocrystals in hydrogel – optimized formulation and production parameters, Controlled Release Society Local Chapter, Saarbrücken/Germany, 7 March, poster no. 36

278.  Lemke S., Strätling E.-J.,Welzel, H.-P., Müller R. H., Keck C. M.(2016) smartFilms - oral and peroral films for optimized delivery of nanoparticulate or amorphous drugs, Controlled Release Society Local Chapter, Saarbrücken/Germany, 7 March, poster no. 55

279.  Müller R. H., Keck C. M. (2016) smartLipids® - basic mechanisms & special features of the novel lipid delivery system, Controlled Release Society Local Chapter, Saarbrücken/Germany, 7 March, poster no. 69

280.  Romero, G.B., Vidlářová, L2, Štěpánek, F., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2016) smartCrystals – optimized nanocrystal concentration in dermal formulations for cost-effective commercial products, Controlled Release Society Local Chapter, Saarbrücken/Germany, 7 March, poster no. 90

281.  Hespeler, D., Keck, C. M. Kumpugdee Vollrath, M., Müller, R.H. (2016) Skin-friendly nanocrystals of miconazole nitrate – synergistic combination with chlorhexidine digluconate, Annual Meeting German Society for Dermopharmacy, Berlin/Germany, 14-16 March, poster no. 3

282.  Keck, C. M., Jin, N. Romero, G. B., Monsuur, F., Müller, R. H. (2016) smartPearls® - a new dermal microdelivery system for poorly soluble drugs by amorphization, Annual Meeting German Society for Dermopharmacy, Berlin/Germany, 14-16 March, poster no. 4

283.  Lemke, S., Strätling, E.-J., Welzel, H.-P., Müller R. H., Keck, C. M. (2016) smartFilms® - a personalized delivery system for dermal application of amorphous drugs & cosmetic actives, Annual Meeting German Society for Dermopharmacy, Berlin/Germany, 14-16 March, poster no. 5

284.  Müller, R. H., Olechowski, F., Pyo, S. M., Keck, C. M. (2016) BergaCare smartLipids® - commercial lipid submicron particle concentrates for cosmetics, consumer care & pharma, Annual Meeting German Society for Dermopharmacy, Berlin/Germany, 14-16 March, poster no. 6

285.  Romero, G. B., Vidlářová, L., Štěpánek, F., Keck, C. M.,Müller, R. H. (2016) Dermal smartCrystals® - new model for better understanding of nanocrystal penetration mechanism, Annual Meeting German Society for Dermopharmacy, Berlin/Germany, 14-16 March, poster no. 8

286.  Ruick, R., Pyo, S. M., Müller, R. H., Keck, C. M. (2016) 3rd generation technology – BergaCare smartLipids® submicron carrier for improved retinol formulation, Annual Meeting German Society for Dermopharmacy, Berlin/Germany, 14-16 March, poster no. 9

287.  Hespeler, D., Pyo, S.M., Keck, C.M., Kumpugdee Vollrath M., Müller, R.H. (2016) Synergistic Miconazole nitrate nanocrystals formulation with chlorhexidine digluconate, International conference on dermal drug delivery by nanocarriers SFB 1112, Berlin/Germany, 14-16 March, poster no. 13

288.  Lemke, S., Strätling, E.-J., Welzel, H.-P.., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2016) smartFilms® -Novel dermal delivery system for nanocarrier & amorphous actives, International conference on dermal drug delivery by nanocarriers SFB 1112, Berlin/Germany, 14-16 March, poster no. 21

289.  Müller, R.H., Romero, G., Monsuur, F.H., Keck, C.M. (2016) smartPearls® - Novel dermal delivery system for amorphous cosmetic actives & drugs, International conference on dermal drug delivery by nanocarriers SFB 1112, Berlin/Germany, 14-16 March, poster no. 23

290.  Müller, R.H., Pyo, S.M., Keck, C.M. (2016) smartLipids® - the next “chaotic” generation of lipid nanoparticles after SLN® and NLC®, International conference on dermal drug delivery by nanocarriers SFB 1112, Berlin/Germany, 14-16 March, poster no. 24

291.  Romero, G., Arntjen, A., Gohla, S., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2016) smartCrystals® for improved delivery of antioxidants, International conference on dermal drug delivery by nanocarriers SFB 1112, Berlin/Germany, 14-16 March, poster no. 31

292.  Romero, G. B., Vidlářová, L. Štěpánek, F. Keck C.M., Müller, R.H. (2016) Optimized production of dermal curcumin smartCrystals®, 10th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Glasgow/United Kingdom, 4-7 April, poster no. 72

293.  Li, X., Keck, C. M., Pyo, S. M., Müller, R. H. (2016) Physical stability of nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) in dermal gels & creams, 10th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Glasgow/ United Kingdom, 4-7 April, poster no. 74

294.  Jin, N., Müller, R. H., Pyo, S. M., Monsuur, F., Keck, C. M. (2016) Effect of loading procedure on dissolution profiles of loaded smartPearls®, 10th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Glasgow/ United Kingdom, 4-7 April, poster no. 132

295.  Vidlářová, L., Romero, G. B., Hanuš, J. Štěpánek, F., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2016) Dermal nanocrystals (smartCrystals®) – novel model of penetration enhancement, 10th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Glasgow/ United Kingdom, 4-7 April, poster no. 126

296.  Müller, R. H., Jin, N., Pyo, S. M., Monsuur, F. Keck,C. M. (2016) smartPearls® concept – novel dermal delivery system for poorly soluble amorphous actives, 10th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Glasgow/ United Kingdom, 4-7 April, poster no. 144

297.  Akeel, N., Keck, C. M., Pyo, S. M., Müller R. H. (2016) smartPearls® for dermal delivery of amorphous actives – effect of loading parameter, 10th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Glasgow/ United Kingdom, 4-7 April, poster no. 145

298.  Keck, C.M., Ngyen, M.H.T., Pyo, S.M., Hespeler, D., Weiss, M., Arntjen, A., Müller, R.H., Lankers, M., Sasse, M. (2016) How many nanoparticles enter a patient during infusion therapy? 4th World Congress on Vascular Access (WoCoVA), Lisbon/Portugal, 22-24 June.

299.  Mohr, C., Dauer, K, Schwab W, Huang, F.-C., Hoffmann, T.; Fischer, T., Keck C. M. (2016) Monoterpenyl and related glucosides – surfactants with added value in pharma and cosmetics? Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), Munich/Germany, 4 - 7 October.

300.  Bacher, L., Arntjen, A., Hespeler, D., Nguyen, T.M.H., Keck, C.M. (2016) SmartLipids® - 3rd generation lipid nanoparticles with high loading capacity for lipophilic actives, Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), Munich/Germany, 4 - 7 October.

301.  Pyo, S.M., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2016) smartPearls® for dermal delivery – control of loading procedure with amorphous actives, Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), Munich/Germany, 4 - 7 October.

302.  Jin, N., Pyo, S.M., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2016) smartPearls® for dermal delivery of amorphous actives – effect of loading concentration on stability & release, Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), Munich/Germany, 4 - 7 October.

303.  Griffin, S., Nasim, M.J., Estevam, E.C., Denezhkin, P., Lilischkis, R., Keck, C.M., Schäfer, K.H., Jacob, C. (2016) Nature’s red remedy towards microorganisms, Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), Munich/Germany, 4 - 7 October.

304.  Stumpf, F., Ibraimi, M., Paulke, B.R., Keck, C.M. (2016) Is a particle counter an alternative to laser diffractometry? Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), Munich/Germany, 4 - 7 October.

305.  Lemke, S., Müller, R.H., Strätling, E.-J., Welzel, H.-P., Keck, C.M. (2016) smartFilms®- An Alternative Oral and Peroral Dosage Form for an Improved Delivery of Active Ingredients in the Amorphous State; Annual Meeting American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), Denver/USA, 13-17 November.

306.  Geisel, N., Stahr, P., Goergen, N., Keck, C.M. (2016) Hesperetin nanocrystals – influence of vehicle on TEWL and skin hydration, 5 th Galenus Workshop, Berlin/Germany, 16-18 November.

307.  Stahr, P., Keck, C.M. (2016) Tailor-made nanocrystals for optimised dermal drug delivery, 5 th Galenus Workshop, Berlin/Germany, 16-18 November.

308.  Volz, P., Boreham, A., Wolf, A., Kim, T.Y., Balke, J., Frombach, J., Hadam, S., Afraz, Z., Rancan, F., Peters, D., Blume-Peytavi, U., Keck, C.M., Vogt, A., Alexiev, U. (2016) Single molecule fluorescence microscopy as a tool to characterize the diffusion of a large amphiphilic molecule in the stratum corneum of human skin and within nanostructured lipid carriers, 5 th Galenus Workshop, Berlin/Germany, 16-18 November.

309.  Lohan, S.B., Ahlberg, S., Haseler, J., Mensch, A., Bauersachs, S., Baisaeng N., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H., Unbehauen, M., Haag, R., Calderon, M.,Giulbudagain, M., Lademann, J., Meinke, M.C. (2016), Formation of oxygen by novel nanocarriers in skin cells and possible prevention strategies invstigated by EPR spectroscopy, 5 th Galenus Workshop, Berlin/Germany, 16-18 November.

310.  Keck, C.M. (2016) Einsatz von Silikonen in Dermokosmetika gegen Hautalterung - Pro und Kontra, Symposium „Dermokosmetika gegen Hautalterung – Neues aus der Forschung“ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Dermopharmazie (GD), Berlin/Germany, 2 December.

311.  Stumpf, F., Lemke, S., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2016) SmartFilms® and tablets made from paper - novel principle for the delivery of poorly soluble actives, Menopause, Andropause, Anti-Aging-Kongress, Vienna/Austria, 8-10 December.

312.  Braun, A., Stahr, P., Schäfer, K.-H., Keck, C. M. (2016) SmartCrystals® for neuroprotection, Menopause, Andropause, Anti-Aging-Kongress, Vienna/Austria, 8-10 December.

313.  Keck, C. M., Pyo, S.M., Geisel, N., Müller, R.H. (2016) SmartLipids® for improved delivery of lipophilic anti-aging actives, Menopause, Andropause, Anti-Aging-Kongress, Vienna/Austria, 8-10 December.

314.  Stahr, P., Möhwald, M., Schneider, M., Keck, C.M. (2017) Flavonoid nanocrystals with rod-like shape for treatment of COPD, 10th European Workshop on Particulate Systems (EWPS), 19-20 January, Copenhagen/Denmark.

315.  Knoth, D. Stahr, P., Keck, C.M. (2017) Enhanced physical stability testing of nanocrystals with an analytical centrifuge, 10th European Workshop on Particulate Systems (EWPS), 19-20 January, Copenhagen/Denmark.

316.  Stumpf, F., Schlüter, R. C., Keck, C. M. (2017) Tablets made from paper – is it possible? 10th European Workshop on Particulate Systems (EWPS), 19-20 January, Copenhagen/Denmark.

317.  Gentiluomo, L., Roessner, D., Scherrers, R., Keck, C.M. (2017) Use of AF4-MALS to prove the mechanism of action of silver-nanolipid and protein-drugs complexes, 21 st Annual Meeting Controlled Release Society - Local Chapter Germany, 2-3 March, Marburg/Germany.

318.  Lohan, S.B., Haag, R., Keck, C.M., Meinke, M.C. (2017) Influence of skin cell`s metabolic activity by nanocarriers and prevention strategies investigated by EPR spectroscopy, 21 st Annual Meeting Controlled Release Society - Local Chapter Germany, 2-3 March, Marburg/Germany.

319.  Herziger, B., Keck, C.M., Müller, R.H. (2017) Dermal smartPearls® - principles of action, 21 st Annual Meeting Controlled Release Society - Local Chapter Germany, 2-3 March, Marburg/Germany.

320.  Kovacevic, A., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2017) The effect of natural surfactant type on the lipid nanoparticle size, 21 st Annual Meeting Controlled Release Society - Local Chapter Germany, 2-3 March, Marburg/Germany.

321.  Knoth, D., Keck, C.M. (2017) Glossymeter – New approach to evaluate the quality of coated tablets, 21 st Annual Meeting Controlled Release Society - Local Chapter Germany, 2-3 March, Marburg/Germany.

322.  Stumpf, F., Keck, C.M. (2017) Tablets made from paper – an alternative to commercial tablets?, 21 st Annual Meeting Controlled Release Society - Local Chapter Germany, 2-3 March, Marburg/Germany.

323.  Stumpf, F., Keck, C.M. (2017) Tablets made from paper – influence of compression force on drug release, 21 st Annual Meeting Controlled Release Society - Local Chapter Germany, 2-3 March, Marburg/Germany.

324.  Stahr, P., Keck, C.M. (2017) Flavonoid nanosuspensions for pulmonary drug delivery, 21 st Annual Meeting Controlled Release Society - Local Chapter Germany, 2-3 March, Marburg/Germany.

325.  Keck, C.M. (2017), Anti-Aging-Wirkstoffe für Dermokosmetika, 3. Anti-Aging-Kongress, 22-23 April, Leipzig/Germany

326.  Griffin, S., Alkhayer, R., Zucca, P., Jacob, C., Keck, C.M. (2017) Nanosized Mediterranean mushroom therapy against candida albicans, 9 th Polish-German Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences, 26-27 May, Krakow/Poland

327.  Stahr, P., Keck, C.M. (2017) Rutin ArtCrystals® for pulmonal application: Formulation -Development and Scale up, 9 th Polish-German Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences, 26-27 May, Krakow/Poland

328.  Stumpf, F., Keck, C.M. SmartFilm ®-tablets: A new concept for Individualized oral Drug delivery 9 th Polish-German Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences, 26-27 May, Krakow/Poland

329.  Hartmann, S., Keck, C.M. (2017) Erythromycin smartCrystals® for the treatment of acne vulgaris, EnFi 2017 - 9th Meeting “Engineering of Functional Interfaces”, 28-29 August, Marburg/Germany.

330.  Pelikh, O. Huang, J., Bayraktar, I., Stahr, P., Dietrich, H., Geisel, N., Keck, C.M. (2017) Nanocrystals for dermal drug delivery, EnFi 2017 - 9th Meeting “Engineering of Functional Interfaces”, 28-29 August, Marburg/Germany.

331.  Stumpf, F., Keck, C.M. (2017) Paper tablets for individualized oral drug delivery, EnFi 2017 - 9th Meeting “Engineering of Functional Interfaces”, 28-29 August, Marburg/Germany.

332.  Knoth, D., Keck, C.M. (2017) Size characterization with dynamic light scattering – how accurate are the results?, EnFi 2017 - 9th Meeting “Engineering of Functional Interfaces”, 28-29 August, Marburg/Germany.

333.  Farida, V., Keck, C.M. (2017) ultra-small Lipid Nanocarriers (usNLC) loaded with Q10, EnFi 2017 - 9th Meeting “Engineering of Functional Interfaces”, 28-29 August, Marburg/Germany.

334.  Stahr, P., Keck, C.M. (2017) Hesperetin nanocrystals for the treatment of COPD, EnFi 2017 - 9th Meeting “Engineering of Functional Interfaces”, 28-29 August, Marburg/Germany.

335.  Keck, C.M. (2017) Nanopharmacy - improved health with smaller size, EnFi 2017 - 9th Meeting “Engineering of Functional Interfaces”, 28-29 August, Marburg/Germany.

336.  Goergen, N., Hartmann, S.H., Stahr, P., Keck C.M., Jedelská, J., Bakowsky, U. (2017) HET-CAM tests for nanocosmeceuticals, Annual Meeting German Pharmaceutical Society, 26-29 October, Saarbrücken/Germany

337.  Pelikh, O., Huang, J., Bayraktar, I., Stahr, P., Dietrich, H., Geisel, N., Keck, C.M. (2017) Influence of size and urea on dermal penetration efficacy of hesperetin from nanocrystals, Annual Meeting German Pharmaceutical Society, 26-29 October, Saarbrücken/Germany

338.  Hartmann, S.F., Keck, C.M. (2017) Erythromycin nanocrystals for topical application, Annual Meeting German Pharmaceutical Society, 26-29 October, Saarbrücken/Germany

339.  Knoth, D., Keck, C.M. (2017) Size characterization of nanoparticles, Annual Meeting German Pharmaceutical Society, 26-29 October, Saarbrücken/Germany

340.  Stahr P., Keck C. M. (2017) Solidification of Rutin nanocrystals, Annual Meeting German Pharmaceutical Society, 26-29 October, Saarbrücken/Germany

341.  Stumpf, F., Pinnapireddy, S.R., Bakowsky, U., Keck, C.M. (2017) Tablets made from paper – a simple method for improved drug delivery, Annual Meeting German Pharmaceutical Society, 26-29 October, Saarbrücken/Germany

342.  Hartmann, S., Keck, C.M. (2017) Erythromycin smartCrystals® for the treatment of acne vulgaris, EnFi 2017 - 9th Meeting “Engineering of Functional Interfaces”, 28-29 August, Marburg/Germany.

343.  Pelkinh, O. Huang, J., Bayraktar, I., Stahr, P., Dietrich, H., Geisel, N., Keck, C.M. (2017) Nanocrystals for dermal drug delivery, EnFi 2017 - 9th Meeting “Engineering of Functional Interfaces”, 28-29 August, Marburg/Germany.

344.  Stumpf, F., Keck, C.M. (2017) Paper tablets for individualized oral drug delivery, EnFi 2017 - 9th Meeting “Engineering of Functional Interfaces”, 28-29 August, Marburg/Germany.

345.  Knoth, D., Keck, C.M. (2017) Size characterization with dynamic light scattering – how accurate are the results?, EnFi 2017 - 9th Meeting “Engineering of Functional Interfaces”, 28-29 August, Marburg/Germany.

346.  Farida, V., Keck, C.M. (2017) ultra-small Lipid Nanocarriers (usNLC) loaded with Q10, EnFi 2017 - 9th Meeting “Engineering of Functional Interfaces”, 28-29 August, Marburg/Germany.

347.  Stahr, P., Keck, C.M. (2017) Hesperetin nanocrystals for the treatment of COPD, EnFi 2017 - 9th Meeting “Engineering of Functional Interfaces”, 28-29 August, Marburg/Germany.

348.  Keck, C.M. (2017) Nanopharmacy - improved health with smaller size, EnFi 2017 - 9th Meeting “Engineering of Functional Interfaces”, 28-29 August, Marburg/Germany.

349.  Goergen, N., Hartmann, S.H., Stahr, P., Keck C.M., Jedelská, J., Bakowsky, U. (2017) HET-CAM tests for nanocosmeceuticals, Annual Meeting German Pharmaceutical Society, 26-29 October, Saarbrücken/Germany.

350.  Pelikh, O., Huang, J., Bayraktar, I., Stahr, P., Dietrich, H., Geisel, N., Keck, C.M. (2017) Influence of size and urea on dermal penetration efficacy of hesperetin from nanocrystals, Annual Meeting German Pharmaceutical Society, 26-29 October, Saarbrücken/Germany.

351.  Hartmann, S.F., Keck, C.M. (2017) Erythromycin nanocrystals for topical application, Annual Meeting German Pharmaceutical Society, 26-29 October, Saarbrücken/Germany.

352.  Knoth, D., Keck, C.M. (2017) Size characterization of nanoparticles, Annual Meeting German Pharmaceutical Society, 26-29 October, Saarbrücken/Germany.

353.  Stahr P., Keck C. M. (2017) Solidification of Rutin nanocrystals, Annual Meeting German Pharmaceutical Society, 26-29 October, Saarbrücken/Germany.

354.  Stumpf, F., Pinnapireddy, S.R., Bakowsky, U., Keck, C.M. (2017) Tablets made from paper – a simple method for improved drug delivery, Annual Meeting German Pharmaceutical Society, 26-29 October, Saarbrücken/Germany.

355.  Pelikh, O., Stahr, P., Dietrich, H., Keck, C. M. (2017) Anti-Aging actives for dermal application – size matters, Menopause, Andropause, Anti-Aging-Congress, 6-9 December, Vienna/Austria.

356.  Pelikh, O., Stahr, P., Dietrich, H., Keck, C. M. (2017) Anti-Aging actives for dermal application – the vehicle is the key for efficacy, Menopause, Andropause, Anti-Aging-Congress, 6-9 December, Vienna/Austria.

357.  Hartmann, S.F., Keck, C.M. (2017) SmartCrystals® as a prospective treatment for sensitive skin, Menopause, Andropause, Anti-Aging-Congress, 6-9 December, Vienna/Austria.

358.  Abraham, A., Griffin, S., Jacob, C., Keck, C.M. (2017) Don't waste! It`s valuable waste!, Menopause, Andropause, AntiA-Aging-Congress, 6-9 December, Vienna/Austria.

359.  Farida, V., Keck, C.M. (2017) Herbal tea: a reason for a cup of tea in the morning, Menopause, Andropause, Anti-Aging-Congress, 6-9 December, Vienna/Austria.

360.  Stahr, P., Keck, C.M. (2018) Flavonoid nanocrystals for the treatment of oxidative stress in the lung, 17th Fraunhofer seminar Translational Airway Research "Models of Lung Disease", 18-19 January, Hannover/Germany.

361.  Pelikh, O., Stahr, P., Bayraktar, I., Dietrich, H., Keck, C.M. (2018) Nanocrystals for dermal application – influence of size and vehicle on penetration efficacy, 22 nd Annual Meeting CRS Local Chapter Germany Annual Meeting, 1-2 March, Halle (Saale)/Germany.

362.  Hartmann, S.F., Keck, C.M. (2018) Small scale bead milling as an efficient and economical development tool for erythromycin nanocrystals, 22 nd Annual Meeting CRS Local Chapter Germany Annual Meeting, 1-2 March, Halle (Saale)/Germany.

363.  Abraham, A., Sarfraz, M., Alhasan, R., Griffin, S., Jacob, C., Keck, C.M. (2018) Nanosizing of plants’ constituents for improved activity, 22 nd Annual Meeting CRS Local Chapter Germany Annual Meeting, 1-2 March, Halle (Saale)/Germany.

364.  Abraham, A., Griffin, S., Keck, C.M. (2018) The effects of freeze drying on physical stability and antioxidant capacities of pomegranate peels and sage leaves nanocrystals, 22 nd Annual Meeting CRS Local Chapter Germany Annual Meeting, 1-2 March, Halle (Saale)/Germany.

365.  Eckert, R.; Keck, C.M. (2018) Quantification of curcumin – A fast and valid HPLC method, 22 nd Annual Meeting CRS Local Chapter Germany Annual Meeting, 1-2 March, Halle (Saale)/Germany.

366.  Farida, V., Abdi Sahid, M.N., Keck, C.M. (2018) Comparison of bulk and nano crystalized dry powder of medicinal plants, 22 nd Annual Meeting CRS Local Chapter Germany Annual Meeting, 1-2 March, Halle (Saale)/Germany.

367.  Stahr, P., Keck, C.M. (2018) Enabling rutin nanocrystals for dry powder inhalation, 22 nd Annual Meeting CRS Local Chapter Germany Annual Meeting, 1-2 March, Halle (Saale)/Germany.

368.  Stumpf, F., Bär, F., Keck, C.M. (2018) Improved oral drug delivery with rutin tablets made from paper, 22 nd Annual Meeting CRS Local Chapter Germany Annual Meeting, 1-2 March, Halle (Saale)/Germany.

369.  Knoth, D. Möckel, A., Keck, C.M. (2018) Simple and cost-effective method for contact angle determination, 22 nd Annual Meeting CRS Local Chapter Germany Annual Meeting, 1-2 March, Halle (Saale)/Germany.

370.  Mohr, C., Knoth, D., Duse, L., Mohr, E., Romero, G.B., Müller, R.H., Jedelska, J., Bakowsky, U., Runkel, F., Fischer, D., Keck, C.M. (2018) Curcumin nanosuspensions for dermal drug delivery – a double sided sword, 22 nd Annual Meeting CRS Local Chapter Germany Annual Meeting, 1-2 March, Halle (Saale)/Germany.

371.  Pelikh, O., Stahr, P., Dietrich, H., Keck, C.M. (2018) How to improve dermal penetration of poorly soluble actives?, 22th Annual Meeting of Society for Dermopharmacy (GD), 12-13 March, Berlin/Germany.

372.  Hespeler, D., Knoth, D., Pyo, S. M., Müller, R. H., Keck, C. M. (2018) smartPearls® - physical penetration enhancer for poorly soluble actives. Skin Forum 2018 Annual Meeting. Tallinn/Estonia. 20.-21. June

373.  Lohan, S. B., Vitt, K., Scholz, P., Hartmann, S. F., Meinke, M. C., Keck, C. M. (2018) Light induced oxidative stress in skin and ß-carotene nanocrystals. Skin Forum 2018 Annual Meeting. Tallinn/Estonia. 20.-21. June.

374.  Olcheowski, F., Keck, C. M., Pyo, S. M., Müller, R. H. (2018) SmartLipids – commercial concentrates of submicron solid lipid particles for dermal delivery. Skin Forum 2018 Annual Meeting. Tallinn/Estonia. 20.-21. June.

375.  Pelikh, O., Stahr, P.-L., Keck, C. M. (2018) Dermal drug delivery with nanocrystals – size matters. Skin Forum 2018 Annual Meeting. Tallinn/Estonia. 20.-21. June.

376.  Hazem, L., Abraham, A., Jacob, C., Keck, C. M. (2018) Turning food waste into superfood and potent drug products. Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society. Hamburg/Germany. 2.-5. October.

377.  Rao, N., Pelikh, O., Stahr, P.-L., Eckert, R.-W., Hartmann, S. F., Keck, C. M. (2018) Dermal drug delivery with nanocrystals – Influence of skin condition and massage on the penetration efficacy. Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society. Hamburg/Germany. 2.-5. October.

378.  Rincón-Fontán, M, Knoth, D., Cruz, J. M., Moldes, A. B., Keck, C. M. (2018) A natural biosurfactant from corn – evaluation of properties and production of nanoemulsions -. Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society. Hamburg/Germany. 2.-5. October.

379.  Yutong, L., Stumpf, F., Keck, C. M. (2018) Tablets made from paper – first attempts for large-scale production. Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society. Hamburg/Germany. 2.-5. October.

380.  Stumpf, F., Yutong, L., Müller, R. H., Keck, C. M. (2018) Tablets made from smartFilms® - a simple but smart approach to overcome poor solubility. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists. Washington (DC)/USA. 4.-7. November.

381.   Abraham, A., Knoth, D., Yassin, D., Abbas, L., Hartmann, S. F., Eckert, R.-W. Griffin, S., Keck, C. M. (2018) PlantCrystals – a novel formulation principle for improved health efficacy of medical plants. Menopause, Andropause, Anti-Aging. Vienna/Austria. 6.-8. December.

382.  Eckert, R.-W., Keck, C. M. (2018) Individualized formulations for maximising therapeutic effects. Menopause, Andropause, Anti-Aging. Vienna/Austria. 6.-8. December.

383.  Knoth, D., Keck, C. M. (2018) Micronized stinging nettle for improved health benefits. Menopause, Andropause, Anti-Aging. Vienna/Austria. 6.-8. December.

384.   Stahr, P.-L., Grewal, R., Braun, A., Schäfer, K.-H., Eckert, G. P., Keck, C. M. (2018) Nanomedicine – The “smart” therapy against aging. Menopause, Andropause, Anti-Aging. Vienna/Austria. 6.-8. December.

385.  Abraham, A., Keck, C. M. (2019) Smart Nutraceuticals: sumac PlantCrystals for improved antioxidant potential. Controlled Release Society - Local Chapter Germany. Leipzig/Germany. 7.-8. March.

386.  Eckert, R.-W., Keck, C. M. (2019) Smart nanonization: the next level of small-scale bead milling. Controlled Release Society - Local Chapter Germany. Leipzig/Germany. 7.-8. March.

387.  Hartmann, S. F., Keck, C. M. (2019) Lipophilic nanosuspensions for improved dermal delivery of poorly soluble actives. Controlled Release Society - Local Chapter Germany. Leipzig/Germany. 7.-8. March.

388.  Pelikh, O., Etyemez, N., Stahr, P.-L., Eckert, R.-W., Keck, C. M. (2019) Hesperetin nanocrystals – which vehicle is best for effective dermal penetration? Controlled Release Society - Local Chapter Germany. Leipzig/Germany. 7.-8. March.

389.  Keck, C.M., Windbergs, M. (2019) Pharmazeutische Technologie - Highlights aus unserem Zukunftsfach in Forschung und Lehre, 100. Zentrale Fortbildung der Landesapothekerkammer Hessen. Gießen/Germany.9-10 March.

390.  Ornik, J., Knoth, D., Keck, C. M., Koch, M. (2019) Inspecting the crystallinity state of an active substance deposited on a paper using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. OTST 2019: The 8th International Conference on Optical Terahertz Science and Technology. Santa Fe/USA. 10.-15. March.

391.  Keck, C.M. (2019) Dermocosmetics for sensitive skin, 4th Dermocosmetics Forum, Darmstadt/Germany. 19-20 March.

392.  Pelikh, O., Stahr, P.-L., Dietrich, H., Keck, C. M. (2019) Nanocrystals: development of a ready-to-use formulation for dermal application. 23. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Dermopharmazie. Düsseldorf/Germany. 25.-27. March.

393.  Lohan,S.B., Vitt, K., Scholz, P., Bauersachs, S., Baisaing, N., Keck, C.M., Meinke, M.C. (2019) Response of the endogenous antioxidant system after administration with antioxidants and moderate stress induction in keratinocytes. 23. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Dermopharmazie. Düsseldorf/Germany. 25.-27. March.

394.  Abraham, A, Alnemari, R., Keck, C.M. (2019) Sustainable Nano Products: Production and characterization of PlantCrystals from the waste of black tea as a source of antioxidant phenolic compounds, Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), Heidelberg/Germany. 01-04 September.

395.  Bär, F., Stumpf, F., Knoth, D., Keck, C.M. (2019) Tablets made from paper – pelleting and industrial scale-up, Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), Heidelberg/Germany. 01-04 September.

396.  Eckert, R.W., Hartmann S.F., Keck, C.M. (2019) Development of tailor-made quercetin nanocrystals for target-oriented dermal drug delivery, Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), Heidelberg/Germany. 01-04 September.

397.  Hartmann, S.F., Eckert, R.W., Bär, F., Keck, C.M. (2019) Finasteride nanocrystals for dermal application to overcome the severe side effects of the oral administration route, Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), Heidelberg/Germany. 01-04 September.

398.  Knoth, D., Keck, C.M. (2019) Utilization of the Coulter-Counter principle for size analysis of nanoparticles, Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), Heidelberg/Germany. 01-04 September.

399.  Almohsen, N., Köpke, D., Pyo S. M., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2019) Second-Skin SmartLipids® for advanced Corneotherapy, Annual meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), Heidelberg/Germany. 01-04 September.

400.  Alnemari, R.M., Carrillo-Hormaza L., Pinnapireddy, S.R., Keck, C.M. (2019) Determination of antioxidant capacity in skin using ORAC assay, Annual meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), Heidelberg/Germany. 01-04 September.

401.  Keck, C.M. (2019) In vivo fade of nanoparticles - is it predictable? Particles in Injectables Conference - PDA Exchange Series, Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) Europe, Berlin/Germany. 24-25 September.

402.  Almohsen, N., Köpke, D., Pyo, S.M., Müller, R.H., Keck, C.M. (2019) Second Skin SmartLipids® an additional shield to the human body, 7th Galenus Workshop, Frankfurt am Main/Germany. 30 September-02 October.

403.  Wiemann, S., Eckert, R.W., Pelikh, O., Keck, C.M. (2019) Empowering transdermal drug delivery of curcumin via smartFilms®, 7th Galenus Workshop, Frankfurt am Main/Germany. 30 September-02 October.